Unseen Love (Ezie and Aiden)

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  • Dedicated to Jason Fitzpatrick

Aiden and I have been friends forever it seems like. I’ve known him since we were both 4 years old. I met him in 1st grade, he was the only person who talked to me and ever since then we’ve been best friends. Every time he needed help he would talk to me and I did the same if I needed help. When Aiden’s parents died in a fire, none of his family members wanted him so we took him in and my mom treated him like my brother. We stayed best friends all through middle school. By the time we reached high school I started noticing that Aiden was acting weird around me. He was acting distant; he stopped looking me in the eyes and didn’t talk to me as much.

“Hey Aiden,” I said.

“Hey,” said Aiden without looking up

“What’s wrong, your acting like I did something wrong.”

“No, nothings wrong,” he said looking at me and smiling.

“Ok, well you want to go to Brook’s party tonight?”

“Um sure ok, what time are we going?”

“I don’t know around 11:00”


“We’d have to sneak out though because mom would kill us.”

“Yeah I’ll come to your room at 11 ok.”


I got up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water then walked to my mom’s room and said goodnight and went to my room. It was only 10 so I jumped in the shower and washed my hair. I got out, did my make-up and my hair and it was 10:45 now. I slowly opened my door and there were no lights on so I knew my mom was out cold and I knew Aiden was in his room. I shut my door carefully and then dressed for the party. I slipped on my skinny jeans and a MCR green and black shirt. I straightened my long black hair and placed green extensions in my hair. By this time Aiden tapping on my door. I walked over and opened the door for him, as he slipped through the door he tripped over his own feet and I had to catch him so my mom wouldn’t wake up. He sat on the floor looking at me until I said, “Oh god are you ok.”

“Uh… um yea I’m fine,” he said getting up quickly not looking at me as he sat on my bed.

“Ok well let me find my shoes and we’ll go.”


When he spoke, he nearly sounded nervous and I didn’t know why so I let it go. I found my black converse and slipped them on and opened the window.

“Come on Aiden,” I said as I climbed out onto the roof. Aiden followed me after he locked my bed room door. He grabbed my hand and helped me climb down the garden arch. Once I was on the ground Aiden climbed down.

“Ezie what are you doing?”

“Getting in the car.”

“No we’re not taking the car, if your mom wakes up she might notice its missing.”

“So how are we going to get there?”

“My chopper.”

“What? What chopper?”

“The one I park at Caleb’s house everyday after school.”

“So we’re going to walk to Caleb’s house?”

“Yep, it’s just around the corner, and he said I could get it any time of the day.”

“Ok,” I said smiling and following him as he started walking. When we got to Caleb’s house Aiden grabbed a book and pulled out a key and started the black and purple chopper. He tossed a helmet to me and I shook my head no.

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