Chapter 1 - Tsubaki Kuroda

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So, here it is! The long-awaited sequel that I finally wrote and uploaded. You may feel the beginning is a little rushed but I wanted to get straight into it. Hope you don't mind! I haven't checked through the chapter yet, but enjoy it anyway! Next one coming soon ^_~

Firstly though, a profile :D

Name: Tsubaki Kuroda, previously Sakura Cross

Age: 17   D.O.B March 1st  

Height: 168cm   Weight: 49kg

Hair: Maroon hair (more brown than red), wavy, waist-length, fringe. Usually down but occasionally in a ponytail.

Personality: More confident than she was before. She used to be very shy but now she is getting more comfortable around people.

Likes: Cooking, Senri Shiki ;)

Dislikes: Snakes

Other: Her vampire powers were hidden away by the Senior Council who did not approve of her parents. Rido is a big part of her lost memories.


Chapter 1 - Tsubaki Kuroda

I tied up my overgrown hair into a ponytail and sighed. Life was so boring now that Takeru had gone back to the academy and Senri left to go modelling with Rima. All I could do was stay at Aunt Kyoko’s house and wait for clues to appear. She had already helped as much as she could, but she was getting ill. Reiko, my mother’s best friend, gave me tons of information but none of the pieces fit together. 

My priority goal at that moment was to find Haruka Kuroda, my father. He disappeared after I was taken by Rido Kuran, and by Kaien Cross. Kaname played a big role in that part, finding me when I was wandering around at night after Senri saved me from Rido. Ever since I had retrieved the rest of my memories just a few weeks ago, I just had to find Haruka. I knew exactly what he looked like now, but I just didn’t know where to start.

When Senri came searching with me, we mostly walked in silence, asking shopkeepers and innkeepers if they knew Haruka Kuroda. None of them had even heard of him. I almost gave up on searching but Senri became my strength. We shared a room for six nights, would you believe it. I was so happy about being with him even if he slept on the sofa whilst I hogged the whole double bed. Unfortunately that happy week dissolved after Rima called for Senri. She looked restless, as though she had been picturing images of me and Senri. Then I returned home, having gained nothing. That was all seven months ago.

Takeru said he didn’t have anything to do, staying at aunt Kyoko’s house. So he went back to the academy, the place he was working as an intern. The Headmaster obviously wanted him back as well. So I was alone, for seven weeks. He sent me a letter on my birthday, which definitely made me smile.

The thing I had been doing for the most part of those painful weeks was practising how to control my powers. I used rats as my opponent and shot out my vines of Camellia at them. I provided myself with blood tablets and made sure I didn’t overuse them. I tried to study but nothing good came out of it. And the rest of that time I walked around the big garden, my mind full of thoughts. I would’ve loved to go back to the academy but it was too risky, as Takeru had said.

“Tsubaki? It’s dinner time,” the housemaid, Ume said. She was at the door, smiling. I returned the smile and went down to the dining room. Aunt Kyoko was already sitting down, reading a book.

“Ah, Tsubaki. This novel is very interesting, I hope you’ll have a look at it,” she said, showing it to me after placing a bookmark where she had stopped reading. It was called Vampire at Dusk. I flicked through the first few pages, and it was about a human who had been turned into a vampire.

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