Chapter 10: Always Some Problems

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The next morning, Jazmine woke up and Brooklyn wasn't breathing right.

She woke Shaun up and they rush to the emergency room.

Jazmine and Shaun told the doctor about what Brooklyn said to them last night. The doctor said she will be imagining thing, so just dont worried like that.

They had to wait in the waiting room for Brooklyn's results.

"Hello," the doctor said.

"Hello," Jazmine and Shaun said.

"Well we got the result for your daughter Brooklyn," the doctor said.

Jazmine and Shaun was nervous.

"She will be fine but she will have a illness for a while," the doctor said.

The doctor left to go get Brooklyn. They got Brooklyn and left.

"Was Mrs. Miller nice to you," Jazmine asked.

"Yes, she gave me a sticker, a balloon, and a new Barbie doll," Brooklyn said.

"That's good, you can open your Barbie doll when we get home, ok," Jazmine said.

"Ok mommy," Brooklyn said.

Brooklyn fell asleep on the way back home, due to traffic. They made it home and then put Brooklyn in the bed. They went to sleep a little after they came in.

3 hours later they woke up. They decided to go out for dinner.

Jazmine put on her adaias outfit. Shaun put on his polo outfit. Brooklyn put on her emoji outfit.

They got in the car and drove to Sonic. They walk in and ordered.

Jazmine got a bacon cheeseburger with chili cheese tots and a Sprite. Shaun got a bacon double cheeseburger with chili cheese natural cut fries and a Coke. Brooklyn got a chicken strap sandwich with natural cut fries and a vanilla milkshake.

They went to their table and waited.

"What you want for christmas baby girl?" Shaun asked Brooklyn.

"I want a puppy and a baby brother and a baby sister," Brooklyn said smiling.

It was silence for a minute.

"Ok," Jazmine said.

Their food came. They ate and then they left. When they got home they watched a movie. They watched Hotel Transylvania 2. They went to sleep at 1:00am.

At 3:36am, Jazmine felt Shaun get out the bed. She thought Shaun was just going to the bathroom, so she went back to sleep. Jazmine woke up at 8:24am. She went to the bathroom and got back in the bed. She noticed that Shaun wasn't in the bed.

Shaun got back in the bed. She just went back to sleep.

Brooklyn and Jazmine ate breakfast and then went into the bathroom to brush their teeth, wash their face, and Jazmine got in the shower, then ran Brooklyn a bath.

They got dressed and left.

They put on their black overalls with their matching shirts and their white and black  Jordan's.

Brooklyn shirt says Princess is my name matching with my mommy is my game.

Jazmine shirt says Queen is my name matching with my daughter is my game.

They decided to go to Sky High Sports. When they made it they bought some grip socks. It wasn't a lot of people. They jump in the cube pit and did a couple of flips.

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