Chapter Twenty Eight: The End Of An Era

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"I don't want to live out my dream without you in it because without me knowing it, you became my dream as well

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"I don't want to live out my dream without you in it because without me knowing it, you became my dream as well." -Hamid Abdullahi, FH.

Amara Abdullahi

Everything has been beyond hectic ever since my wedding. First, my in-laws told  Zubair and I to move in with each other some time this week as well as my twin brother left to California for his soccer scholarship, and my parents moved in with Amran and Nur. Which I couldn't be happier about. If someone told me all of this would happen two years ago, I really would not believe them because it just seems too good to be true. Like it was all a dream that I would wake up from any moment but, Alhamdulilah it's real. Sometimes I wish time would just slow down so I could catch up with everything. I wish everything wasn't going so fast all of the time you know?

It's just so hard to keep up with time.

I sighed as I laid down on my bed, all I really want right now is nothing but the beautiful thing called sleep.

"Hey." I heard the familiar voice of my husband.

It's so weird to say that I have a husband. I moved over so he could lay down beside me. Everything has been hectic for him too, with the wedding, and Hamid leaving. He really hasn't taken that lightly considering that they're best friends. The only person who took it worse was Amelia. I remember everything that went down that day.

I was walking down the stairs into the living room when I saw Amelia and Hamid standing there looking at each other intensely. "I-I don't know what to say..." Amelia stuttered as she wiped her tears away. I could tell by the look on my twins face that he didn't want to leave her. "Don't cry." He said gently.

"How could I not!?" Amelia snapped, still continuing to cry puddles.

"It's not like I'll be gone forever. Just a couple of years In Shaa Allah." He said reassuringly.

"Okay. I just want to tell you one thing before you leave." She paused for a moment before continuing. "I hope Allah grants you everything you want in this life. I hope and pray that you'll be successful and happy. Just know that I'll always cheer for you from the sidelines."

For a moment he didn't say anything either. Knowing him, he probably had no idea how to react to that. "Wow this is way harder than I thought it would be." He continued to look down as he spoke.

"I hope Allah grants you everything you desire as well. I really want you to be happy, Ames." A tear rolled down his cheek as well. I can't do this. I can't stand here and listen to them, it hurts to watch. All I ever wanted was for them to be happy together, all I wanted was for Amy to be my sister-in-law.

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