Chapter 15

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(Picture of Cookie!!!)
 Isn't she adorable? I've always wanted a puppy,'s never happened...oh, well... Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter! I hope you've had a Merry Christmas, and that you guys have a Happy New Year! Don't forget to like, comment, and share!

I woke up to see Cookie licking my face.

I shoved her away but she kept coming back so eventually I had to get up. I smiled at her sleepily," Hey, girl, why didn't you go bother Andrew instead?"

She barked and I shook my head,"'s not like I mind."

She continued to lick my face and finally I laughed and got up," Fine, I'm getting up!"

She barked almost triumphantly and I got dressed and checked the clock. It was 9:30. I opened the door and she rushed out. I laughed at her and followed her downstairs. I got her some food and started breakfast. I made pancakes and waited for Andrew to come downstairs.

I felt a little awkward about last night, but I didn't regret it. I just didn't know what what would happen next. The whole reason I left home was because of a guy. And now here I was basically falling in love with his cousin. How ironic was that?

He wasn't a bad kisser, though, I thought blushing a bit. And he didn't seem to regret it either, I reasoned, so I'll just wait and see what he says.

And just as I resolved to talk with him about it, he appeared in the doorway. Cookie rushed to greet him and he laughed. I giggled, too, and he grinned at me in a way that nearly made my heart stop.

He went over to me by the stove and kissed the top of my head and asked," What are you making?"

I blushed a bit and smiled," Chocolate chip pancakes."

He grinned and kissed my cheek," Yes! My favorite."

I laughed and said," Mine, too."

He went to the fridge and said," With strawberries, right?"

I nodded and said," Yeah."

He smiled and said," I'll wash and cut these while you finish up, okay?"

I smiled at him and said," Thank you."

He nodded and smiled back. I finished making the pancakes not long after he finished with the strawberries and we dug it.

He enjoyed them a lot and made it point to let me know.

I just laughed and thanked him.

"We should go and walk Cookie after this," he suggested.

I nodded and said," We should, is there a town meeting today?"

He nodded and said," Yeah, at noon, we have time."

And with that we finished our breakfast and got Cookie's leash and things and headed out.

She enjoyed it a lot, and was playing in the snow.

Along the way Andrew subtly reached out and held my hand. I looked at him surprised but didn't pull away, and he looked a bit relieved and I smiled at him.

He sighed happily and said," You wouldn't believe how terrified I was this morning."

I looked at him confused," Why?"

"Well," he said sheepishly," I kind of expected all of this to have been some dream or that you would have left or you didn't feel the same or-"

"So," I said smiling," you were thinking the same thing I was."

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