Chapter 6

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(Picture of Ceanna)

Last chapter for today, I worked pretty hard trying to get these done, and hopefully...I'll have more done soon enough. With finals on the way, though, it might be a bit of a struggle. Anyways, hope you like and don't forget to like, comment, and share! Thanks!

I woke up to the sound of Olivia and Grace entering the room and curtsying before helping me get ready for the day. It was Sunday and I was surprised to see that they'd come a bit earlier than usual. It was around 8 and they were in a bit of a rush. I was also surprised at the amount of care they took to get me ready.

Instead of the usual simple look they tended to go for, they went all out. They gave me a more dramatic smokey eye than usual, liquid eye liner, and natural looking fake eyelashes. They applied foundation and concealer and powder. They then applied a hint of bronzer and a soft peach blush. They topped it off with a brownish pink lipstick and I was done.

They curled my hair and pinned it up in an elegant bun and then led me over to the closet where they brought out a simple yet elegant burgundy dress. It was make out of an iridescent thick material that draped a little towards the back to make a short train not much longer than half a foot.

They helped me into some black heels and then helped me pick out some accessories. They consisted of a diamond necklace that was really sparkly. And a bracelet that was equally so. And of course my engagement ring that I had gotten in the habit of simply taking off and leaving at my nightstand before going to bed every night.

And with that I was done.

I turned to them after looking at myself in the mirror," Is all this necessary?"

They smiled and Olivia answered," Your grandparents have returned with your fiancé and Aunt and cousins. They're going to be present for when your father announces your return."

I frowned," Really? How is that going to work out?"

Grace smiled," The whole kingdom is going to be allowed into the palace to hear your father's announcement and you will then get to greet everyone as well!"

" Oh that actually seems pretty nice," I said smiling as I'd somehow forgotten just how real this whole royalty was. Apart from the whole dresses, and castle thing I hadn't actually seen any of the people I was apparently a princess of and while the fear was still there I was kind of happy.

"So what am I going to have to do?" I asked.

"Oh just talk with anyone who approaches you and try and help as best you can," Grace answered," But I'm sure you'll be fine, Princess."

I nodded gratefully before I heard a knock on the door. I went to go open it myself expecting it to be Nathan and was very surprised to see Prince Daniel standing a bit nervously in front of me.

"Uh...hi," I said confused.

"Uh hi," he answered a bit dazed after seeing me.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, not wanting to be too harsh," Can I help you?"

"Uh," he answered," I'm actually here to escort you to breakfast, Princess."

I smiled politely and nodded and said goodbye to Grace and Olivia before closing the door.

He seemed to have collected himself because he smiled charmingly and offered me his arm. I was unfazed and smiled politely before accepting it and letting him lead me to the dining room.

After a minute or so of silence he asked," Did you sleep well, Princess?"

I smiled gently," Yes, thank you, and just Rose please."

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