chapter 10

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Hope you guys are ready for the next two chapters today!! They might be a bit shocking...stuff happens...enjoy!!!:D

Maddie's birthday was going to be held the 15th instead of the 16th. That meant that everyone would be celebrating Maddie's birthday and I even had Christine order refreshments and treats for the families and people who came on Sunday to see us, as well.

There had been a lot less requests for problems that needed to be solved and more and more people began to come simply to see and thank us which lessened not only Dad and Nathan's work but made me feel proud of having helped come up with a solution to help that happen.

Once we went out on the balcony everyone started cheering for Maddie and she giggled and blew kisses to everyone and waved which made them cheer even louder and we looked at her adoringly.

Dad cleared his throat and said," Thank you and I'd like to say Happy early Birthday to my darling daughter, and your princess, Madison. May she grow up to a kind, generous, and intelligent young lady."

Everyone cheered in agreement and then Dad went on to discuss how the social security program that he had announced a few weeks ago was being put into effect and how he hoped everyone would benefit from it greatly.

And then he motioned for me to step forward and I spoke," I hope everyone has been benefiting from the program and hope that many more will come. I hope that the kingdom will soon be thriving as it should be and that everyone is happy, healthy, and secure. I would also like to thank everyone for coming and wishing my sister a Happy Birthday and that on your way out there should be refreshments and treats for everyone for coming, thank you."

They cheered and Maddie also spoke," Thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday and I hope you all enjoy the yummy treats, too! Thank you!"

And then Christine and Nathan went and then we headed downstairs to personally greet everyone.

A lot of people held presents in their hands for Maddie, I assumed, and they also had brought letters and drawings and little gifts for me as well to thank me for creating the program.

I'd been surprised when Dad and Nathan announced how I had been the one to think of and create the program and even more surprised by the amount of people who came by every Sunday to talk and thank me especially for it. So many people could now get medical treatment, affordable food for their families, school for their children, college, and so much more all thanks to, well, me!

They went by pretty fast and all enjoyed the cupcakes, cookies, juice, soda, lemonade, and candy we put out for everyone and then we were left to get Maddie ready for her party and wait for the guests.

She still had no idea there was even going to be a party and was simply happy to be wearing a pretty pink dress and diamond tiara.

I was wearing a pale blue gown and diamond tiara, Ceanna was wearing a lavender one and diamond tiara, and Christine was wearing a gold gown and gold crown.

Once Olivia knocked on the door we knew the guests were here and we happily lead Maddie to the ballroom where everything was set up to be a pink princess wonderland of a birthday party. Christine had invited every kingdom in the realm and their children. Maddie being only 8 years old easily made friends and was off to enjoy her party with a happy squeal and hasty hug and kiss to all of us.

Ceanna had to go greet her family before we could go and greet everyone else together like Christine had told us to and so I followed her.

We found my Aunt and cousins all dressed up and looking as beautiful and graceful as always and we curtsied to them.

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