Chapter 4

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(Picture of Prince Daniel)

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Nathan was coaching me on what to say and what do when we went back. I was going to try and listen because he obviously knew what he was doing, and I had nothing lose by listening.

We got back a little before the hour was over and I had to stop by room to freshen up because he said I would be glad I did later. I found some deodorant and perfume and applied it. Fixed my hair a bit, and smoothed out my dress. I powdered my nose and then went to outside to see Nathan waiting for me.

Then we went back and found Maddie was happily talking with our grandparents from Mom's side of the family. When she saw me she squealed and immediately tackled me in a bear hug much to everyone's amusement.

"Rose! Where have you been?" she asked pouting.

I couldn't help but smile softly," In a meeting, Maddie."

"Oh," she said," Have you met Abuelita and Abuelito?"

I smiled again," Yup."

"They're so nice, right?" she said adorably.

I smiled in their direction," Yeah they are, are you having fun?"

She nodded enthusiastically," And now you can have fun, too!"

"Really?" I asked playing along.

She nodded," Yeah they were telling me about their home and how they have pink trees!"

"Pink!" I repeated as if in disbelief.

She beamed and nodded happily," Pink!! My favorite color!"

I laughed," I know!"

"They said we can go visit soon and then I will be able to see the pink trees!" she gushed.

And then Dad and Christine came back.

Christine went towards Maddie and said," Come on, sweetie, we have to go get you to your dance lessons."

"Really!" she exclaimed and was about to rush forward but she hesitated looking back at me.

I smiled encouragingly," Go ahead, Maddie, we'll talk more about the pink trees later."

She beamed and gave me one last hug and a kiss before following Christine out of the room.

And then came my torture as I desperately tried to remember everything Nathan had told me because I had a feeling I was going to need it.

Christine had called for refreshments and I was quietly sipping my juice and nibbling on a cookie. It was an iced sugar cookie and it was decorated with a red rose design. It was really beautiful and tasted as good as it looked.

I felt Prince Daniel looking at me but to be completely honest... it made me uncomfortable. I did my best to ignore him and finished the rest of  my cookie. 

My grandmother turned to me and smiled gently," Are you finding yourself at home, dear?"

I smiled remembering what Nathan had said and tried to relax and be happy," Yeah everything is just so nice and everyone has been wonderful."

She beamed ," I'm so glad, dear. You see your Abuelito and I were so worried you would resent being brought back and know."

I tried to keep my smile as this was not the moment to argue," Abuelito?"

She gave a gentle laugh that was almost musical," Yes, I already told Madison, but you can call us Abuelito and Abuelita if you like."

"Really?" I asked.

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