Chapter 10

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When I reach the bottom of the cliff, I sit up in my seat in the car. Abigail is watching me, her expression upset. "Rush?"

I can't meet her eyes. I'm ashamed. I'm such an idiot. If she ever finds out about my secret, that I'm a werewolf, an alpha at that, she will never speak to me again. And I can't do that. I can't tell her. Period.

Abigail's words ring in my head. You are an abomination! You're not even human. You're a monster. I never should have gone on this journey with you. I hate you.

I turn away from Abigail and look out the window. I watch the lights flicker on and off above us and I release breath after breath through my mouth, trying to calm myself and rid myself of the frighteningly real dream.

What if Abigail is right? What if she is sorry for ever starting this journey with me. Heaven knows how much she must miss her mother.

A hand lands on my shoulder and I blink myself out of my thoughts.

"Rush? Are you okay?" Abigail's voice is gentle and quiet and I turn to face her. Her face is so worried that I feel like a bastard for worrying her.

"I'm fine," I reply, unable to keep the briskness from my voice.

"Oh," she says, her face falling. "Because you were yelling in your sleep and..."

Oh, g-d, I'm such an asshole. "I'm sorry. I was just having a bad dream."

"Okay." She looks out her window for a moment. Then she turns back to me and offers, "I can drive for you if you want. You can go back to sleep."

"Don't think I'll be going back to sleep any time soon," I mutter. "But if you want to drive, be my guest."

Her face lights up and she smiles shyly. "Thanks. I know your car must mean a lot to you."

After we switch seats and she starts the engine, I ask, "Why do you say that?"

"Well, most guys adore their cars to the point where they even name them and fall in love with them, more than a real person."

I feel my nightmare drifting far from my mind as I focus on Abigail and her adorable shy smile and I laugh dryly. "Absolutely not. I don't name my car nor do I think I will ever. My car is an inanimate object and I don't name my belongings."

She grins at me. "So you're saying that you don't name your clothes? Like my favorite pair of boots I named Sami." Her sparkling eyes tell me that she's just teasing.

My laugh comes more genuinely and easier this time. "You are ridiculous! I don't name my clothes either."

"How about your favorite pair of boxers?"

I try to keep a straight face but I fail. A grin splits my face. "No."



"Pajamas? Play Station?"

"No. And I don't own a Play Station."

She gapes at me. "I think you should keep that to yourself from now on. I think you're the only guy in the entire world that doesn't own a Play Station." She breaks down into a fit of giggles.

I scowl but I can't seem to make myself feel upset. I was heartbroken in my dream when I realized that I would never get another chance with Abigail but now I see that the dream was thankfully only a dream and not real at all. "Glad to humor you," I say with a sly grin.

Meant For Him (Book 1 in the Golden series)Where stories live. Discover now