Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

   I glare at my best friend, Adrian Mackenzie. "No way. You're crazy. I'm not going through with this." I fold my arms stubbornly over my chest.

   Adrian rolls his eyes good-naturedly. "Come on! You're never gonna see the guy again! It's the last week of school. We've got two days left and he's graduating and going to college in a different state. What harm can a 'hello' possibly cause?"

   I shake my head again. "No way, Aid. I'm so not doing this."

   "Wuss," he mutters and I smack his arm. 

"I'm not a wuss," I say defensively. "I just don't think that he likes me like that."

"Who cares? You're just going up to him and saying 'Hey, Josh'. I'm not asking you to marry him. Just two words. And then I'll leave you alone about it."

I scoff. "Ha! Yeah right. You're only gonna make me say more to him later."

   He grins mischievously. "Yup, you know me too well, sweetheart. Now, go." He sweeps his arm in the direction of said Josh. I bite my lip, take a deep breath, and start walking. I glance back at Adrian for support and he nods his head at me, a smile across his handsome face.

   Adrian Mackenzie has been my friend ever since I can remember. People found it odd that we'd be so close, and didn't have anything going on. They all thought we were being secretive about our relationship, despite our denials. Adrian was completely straight, so people couldn't believe that we weren't more than friends. Then, there were people that always told me, "You should totally go for it! You two would make a hot pair!" But that was just too gross to consider. Adrian was my best friend, my brother from another mother and that's all I will ever see him as. 

Finally, I reach Josh Bard, a senior, and the most popular jock in our school, Golden High. I've had a major crush on him since freshman year but I've never done anything about it. Adrian was always pushing me to say something to him, but I always protested, giving excuse after excuse to not do it. 

   I take another deep breath and walk those final steps to Josh. He turns to face me when he sees me approaching.

   "Hey, Josh," I say, hating that my voice sounds so breathless. 

   He smiles at me. "Hey, Abby," he replies.  My heart flies. Oh my g-d! He knows my name!!!

   I glance past him and give Adrian an excited smile.

"Um, did you need something?" Josh asked, his handsome face puzzled.

I shook my head quickly, swallowing past that huge lump in my throat. "Uh, no. Just wanted to say congrats on graduating." My voice shakes as I speak and I hope he wouldn't notice.

Luckily, it looks like he doesn't cause a big smile splits his face. "Oh, thanks!"

I nod, playing at nonchalance and start walking past him. "Good luck with the rest of high school," he calls after me. I throw a quick nervous smile back at him and then practically run out of the building. When Adrian appears a few seconds later, I squeal, jumping on his back, "I did it!"

   He laughs and grabs me in a hug. "I knew you could do it! Good job. See? It wasn't that hard. You even said a few words to him. Now had you done that before... you could've been his girlfriend."

I hit his arm. "Oh stop."

   He laughs, throwing a casual arm over my shoulder as we begin walking home. 

   On our way home, we cut through an alley, taking the short way home, like always, talking and joking around. Halfway through the alley, though, I begin to feel odd, like someone's watching us. Adrian feels how stiff I've become.

Meant For Him (Book 1 in the Golden series)Where stories live. Discover now