Chapter 7

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    I glance at Abigail as I drive. She looks so peaceful and content. I feel horrible that I didn't get Adrian back for her.

    In the beginning, I only came along for Adrian. I only wanted to save my brother and come home. But now, I feel like I wasn't only going to save my brother but also Abigail's best friend. And that fact bothered me. Adrian wasn't only my brother anymore. He now had that title that was stuck in my head, of Abigail's best friend. It seemed like that additional title had an importance in my head, that required the "best friend" title to be repeated every time I thought of Adrian.

   That's actually pretty strange, considering that I'm a pretty selfish guy, only caring for my pack. I didn't even care enough to stay for my grandmother and brother, although that's not exactly true, since I didn't have a choice in becoming alpha of the Boulder Creek wolves.

   I've never fallen for anyone. No one mattered that much to me. I've never had this massive concern for anyone outside my pack. It seems like I've developed a heart overnight.

   Besides, Abigail is my intended mate. I'm not even staying with my grandmother after I get my brother back for good. Abigail is human so there is no way she would join my pack even after I tell her my secret.

   I want to tell her but I'm afraid that she'll freak, despite her saying that her favorite supernatural creatures are werewolves.

   Abigail shifts in her sleep, making this tiny moany sound from her throat which makes me shiver. I gaze at her lips for a moment, a thought suddenly shoving into my thoughts. I wonder what it would feel like to kiss her. Feel her taste on my lips.

   Suddenly, her eyes flicker open and she sits up, yawning. "Oh no! I fell asleep!" she exclaims, glancing at the time. "I am so selfish. I'm sorry. You've been driving the entire time and I didn't even think to exchange positions. You've been driving for a while. Let me."

   For some reason, I only think to ask this now, after she's driven my car once. "You can drive?"

   She shoots a glare so piercing, that it could probably cut through an glass.

   "I meant legally!" I quickly correct myself before she can tear into me.

   "Of course I can! I have my license. Besides, you let me drive your car before. Now pull over."

   I hide a grin at her little spitfire attitude surfacing. "Yes, ma'am." I pull over the side and then stretch outside of the car. My body feels stiff from driving for so long, and from that painful transformation back at the hotel.

   I climb into the passenger seat, recline the chair as far as it can go, then knock out a moment later.


   I listen to Rush's deep breaths and occasional snores as I drive. It's actually quite amusing to watch him as I drive. He doesn't move a lot- or maybe that's because there's almost no space for him in that seat. His legs are so long, his knees stretch all the way to the dashboard.

   His face is relaxed in sleep, his features becoming soft and more approachable.

   As I watch him, that thrilling butterfly feeling in my tummy only gets worse. What's going on with my stomach? I think to myself. Is it anxiety for seeing Adrian when we catch up to them again? Am I catching a virus? G-d, I hope not.

   When Rush shifts in his seat, it wakes me up from my daze.

   I try to remind myself that he left his brother and grandmother selfishly when they needed him the most. He could care less about family. What makes me think he cares any more about me than Adrian? He's only going to help Adrian because of me. If he cared for his brother, he never would have left in the first place. He's a selfish, mean person who only cares about himself. He doesn't even care that his grandmother wants the best for him. He probably didn't tell her that he was leaving.

   Ugh, I couldn't even sort through my feelings for him. Is it disgust or is it attraction? If it is attraction, why am I trying to deny it and hide it? Wait, no way. There's no way I'm attracted to a selfish loser. A hot loser, but selfish nonetheless.

   I just don't know what to do with him. Adrian used to speak about his brother like he was a god or something. I mean, the guy ran away from home and hadn't returned for four years and Adrian still spoke good of him.

   I sigh. Honestly, I'm tired of all the thinking I'm doing. All I want is to find Adrian and bring him home.

   I can't imagine what's going on back there with Adrian. I really hope he's okay, and that he'll hold on until we get there.

Hey guys, sorry this chapter is just so short. This chapter is just mainly a filler. I am going to start writing in Adrian's point of view for a bit. Please let me know how it is.
Please help me perfect my story by private messaging me any grammatical or punctual errors.

--Thanks!! Dimples_qt!!

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