Chapter 9

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I rest on my side on my bed- I mean cot, glaring at the wall of my room- I mean, cell. My back faces the door and my stomach growls at me, complaining about the severe hunger gnawing at it. I ignore it. They've kept me here for at least a week. Maybe less, maybe more. I can't keep track of the time since there's no clock or window in my room- I mean, cell. They haven't fed me and they've tortured me to get any info that I have on my brother. Apparently, my brother is well known to the Black Demons because they're very focused on trying to find him. I guess it's lucky for me that I know close to nothing about my brother nowadays.

The door suddenly opens and I tense but don't turn around. What do they want now?

A sound of metal hitting wood catches my attention. Great. What kind of new weapon had they brought to squeeze out more information from me?

"I've already told everything I know about him," I growl.

But there's silence. After about half an hour in silence, I turn to face the door. Right by the door is a metal tray, filled with food.

I ignore the rumbling of my stomach as it begs for food. What if it's poisoned? I try to reason. More effective way of torture. And I leave the food untouched.


A few days pass like that. Each day, there's another tray filled with delicious looking and smelling food. And each day I ignore it.

Today, as usual, as I'm busy hurting after a really bad torture session, the door opens and that already familiar clang of metal touching the wooden floor hits my ears and I wait a few minutes before daring to turn around.

This time, however, there is a face to my invisible, yet helpful fairy. It's a young girl, maybe 2 or 3 years younger that me, standing by the door. She stares at me with her soulless hazel eyes and I stare at her, each debating on what to say to the other. She tugs nervously at her brown hair but doesn't break her stare with me.

Finally, she speaks first. "You really should eat something. You must be starving."

I turn my back to her, ignoring her.

She releases a deep sigh and then the room is silent again. After a while, I turn to face the other way and, surprisingly, the girl is still there, this time sitting on the floor in front of the door.

She's watching me in silence and I turn back around. My voice is bitter when I speak. "Why don't you just kill me and be done with me? I'm useless to you. I have no information on my brother."

"That's why you're here? For your brother?" Her voice is quiet and gentle and alluring.

"Stop pretending you care," I snap. "You're just like them, a monster. Just kill me."

"They won't kill you. They'll use you."

I try to force my mind from the fact that she's not including herself when talking about the Black Demons. "I have nothing to offer you anymore."

"Oh yes you do. You can offer them your loyalty."

"Loyalty?" I turn to face her. "I will never be like you. I hate you. All of you. There is no way I will ever serve you in any way. I will always be useless to you, no matter how much you torture me."

"I'm not like them," she says after a long period of silence. "I'm like you. Human."

I'm surprised. "Then what are you doing here with them?"

"The leader of the Demons is my father. I have no choice to be loyal to him. He brought me into this life. I owe him everything."

Disgust fills my voice. "How can you just sit back and watch as your father tortures and kills people ruthlessly? That makes you just like them."

Meant For Him (Book 1 in the Golden series)Where stories live. Discover now