Chapter Fifteen

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I stared at the two victory green jerseys hanging up in my closet. I'd told Tay that I was wearing number four, but I was sorely tempted to wear number ninety-one. I threw them both on my bed, closed my eyes and grabbed one, pulling it over my head. I refused to look down at the sleeves or even in the mirror. I didn't want to know whose it was until we got there; I didn't want to be tempted to change it. I met Tay in the truck and plugged in my pump up playlist.

"Oh, I like-"

"I don't know which jersey this is and I don't want to know yet," I cut her off.

"I was gonna say that I like your hair, hon," Tay shook her head.

"Oh, thanks," I mutters before gunning the engine and starting to drive.

After several hours of loud country music and horrible singing, Tay and I crossed city lines into Dallas, Texas. I turned the music down a little so I could focus on finding a place to park.  We were early, but I wasn't as familiar with Dallas as I was with Houston or Austin, and I wanted to make sure that I didn't get us all mixed up.

"The arena's parking is over there," Tay pointed to a large concrete structure and I pulled in, taking a parking pass.

"So where are we eating?" I asked as we got out of the cab of the truck.

"I don't know. Was I supposed to find a place?" Tay replied, whipping out her phone and googling restaurants. I shut the door of the truck and locked it as we walked out of the parking structure. We were early and there were only a few other cars parked.

"There's a really sweet noodle place about three blocks from here," someone said from behind us, "I like your jersey, by the way."

I turned around to find Jason Demers walking towards us with a crooked smile on his face. I checked my sleeve and it had the number four in it, Demers would be across the back, which explained why he liked it.

"Thanks," I smiled, "and I like it, too."

"Are you ladies coming tonight? If not, I can certainly arrange something..."

"Jamie's got us covered," Tay flashed a dazzling smile and turned me around.

"Oh," he sped up to walk next to us, "I'm Jason."

I shook his hand, "Andi."

"You're the Andi??" His eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Uhh, maybe?" I smiled nervously.

"Well, you can't wear my jersey then! I need to get you a new one-"

"No, I want to wear this one," I protested.

"Jamie wouldn't approve, especially now that we've met. And there's no way I can keep this from him until after the game; I'm horrible with secrets," Jason rambled on.

"Slow down, cowboy, I've got her covered," Tay said, swiping my keys and dragging me back to the truck. "Just give us a sec, Demers!" She yelled. Tay opened the door, grabbed a Texas Tech string bag and pulled my other jersey out.

My eyes widened, "No-"

"Yes, Andi. Just wear the damn thing. You're bad with secrets, too, you can't not wear it; I know how you feel about him."

"I can't- he doesn't-"

Tay glared at me and started pulling at the Demers sweater. "Fine, fine, fine! I can do it myself, Tay," I changed and we met Jason at the exit.

"Ready for lunch, ladies?" He wrapped his arms around our shoulders as if we had been best buddies forever.

"Yessir," Tay said brightly as we continued on our way.

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