Neville's First Feast (They Grow Up So Fast)

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Fred, George, Lee, and I got off the train and walked down the dirt path the the horselesscarriages and got in one. "I hope my brother found his toad I don't have much money to buy him a new one." "It's your brother's first time at Hogwarts and he gets sorted today and your worried about his toad?" "Well duh Lee. It's kind of obvious he's not going to get in Slytherin so there's no need to worry about his house. He's in the care of the professors and he has 3 new friends already. Nothing to worry about except for the toad that I bought for him." "Why a toad? Why not a rat, owl, or a cat." "I'd rather him lose a toad than starve an owl or cat and I don't want a rat getting lost in the house and eating Grandma's stuff!" All of a sudden something explodes in my face and I scream jumping into the floor. I look up to see 3 laughing boys. "Keep laughing and I'll hex you 3!" "Ohhhwe're so scared!" They all yelled. "I'LL FIND NEW BEST FRIENDS! ONES THAT ARE SEXY AND NICE AND CAN PRANK BETTER THAN YOU 3!!!" They smirked. "That's impossible love. 1.No one else pranks better than us three and 2. there's no boy on earth sexier than me!" Fred smirked at me. "If no ones sexier than you then this world must be hideous!" Fred's smile drooped. "That's not nice!" "Who said I was nice?!" We all started to laugh. We finally reached the school and began walking to the great hall. I sat down in an empty seat at the Gryfinaor table fallowed by Fred. George, and Lee. I started mimicking the hat while it sang earning warning glances by the professors but I mean come one that hat is cool for the first year or two but then it's just boring besides I'm starving over here. "Neville Longbottom." I looked up to see my little brother sitting down and the sorting hat being placed on his head. "GRYFINDOR!!" I screamed happily and jummped into the isle and started dancing only to be pulled down by the twins. "Celebrate later don't get detention on the first day." They whispered in my ear in unison. That was a little creepy.  The sorting was done as well as Dumbledore's speech and the food suddenly popped up onto the table. "FOOD!!" I piled food all over my plate creating a little mountain and began devouring it. Lee's eyes widened. "Damn! Does your Grandma not feed you??!" "No she does I'm just starving I haven't ate since lunch." "For a model you sure do eat allot." The twins said in unison. "She always does." I looked up to see my brother plopping down next to Lee. "Oh, Neville I;m so happy your finally in Hogwarts!" I noticed I sounded like a mum and apparently so did they because Fred started speaking "Oh George they grow up so fast!" and he began to weep dramatically. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "So, Neville did you find Trevor?" "Yes he's in my pocket." "Well no wonder you keep losing him he's probablysuffocating in there!" We all began to laugh. "Come on  Neville were going to the common room." He got up as well as Lee and the twins and we all left for the common room. As we were leaving the great hall I felt a pair of eyes on me so I looked around to find Cedric Diggory watching me. I gave him a small wave and smiled in which he returned.


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