Chapter 14: Fallen Angel (Kendall Schmidt)

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Who cares.

I held his left hand which was on the gear. Then I went closer to him and laid down on his left shoulder. It was cold in the car, but lying on his shoulder, I felt a warm comfort.

" Missed me too much eh? "

"Yea, missed you lots."

" picnic at the backyard again? "

" yea! Do you have fish burger? I'm craving for that."

" sorry Cass but no I don't. Let's head to macdonalds and order eat out? Then picnic at my house?"

" Yay, sure! Thank you!"

He gave me a little kiss on the forehead while keeping his eyes on the road. I looked up at him and snugged closer.

He drove into macdonalds and ordered a cheeseburger through the speaker. And he added on " no tartar sauce please " . I had forgotten to tell him but he knew it. Then something came into my mind. He knew yet another thing about me.

He handed me the money.

" What's this for? "

"For the macdonalds. Quick climb to the back, I'll open the window for you to pay. I don't want anyone seeing us together."

I clambered to the back seat and Kendall drove forward. I turned the window down and gave the cashier a smile. I paid and took my order ; Kendall drove off.

I scrambled back to the front seat of Kendall's car.

" Careful my dear, you're going to get injured and dirty my car."

" Sorry."

He held me by my hips, helping me get over to the front. I held my burger in hand and collapsed onto the chair.

"Look at you! Your hair's all over the place."

He let out a chuckle.

" How funny is it?"

"Real funny. "


" it makes you cuter."

I blushed. He stretched over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

As we drive into his garage, I saw the same sight that I saw the last time. The house was magnificent. It was flawless.

Kendall got out of the car and opened my door for me. I came out of the car. He stuck out his hand. I took his hand and he pulled me into the house.

We walked through the hallway of pictures. I realised that some pictures were taken down and it was replaced by pictures of Kendall and I .

He suddenly swept me off my feet and carried me to the sofa. He dropped me on the sofa.

" You lie down here. Don't move, go and rest, I'll go get the food."

So I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Someone gave me a light nudge.

I woke up and stared right into Kendall.

"Time for the picnic. Come on."

I sat up and went after him. We came to the same clearing we first had our picnic. I stared in awe. I hadn't really notice anything about it the first time.

Everything was laid on the mat, it was a 100% accuracy thing. Even the mat was neatly spread on the floor, not even a part of it was out of place.

He sat down on the mat and started laying out all the food. I sat down on the mat too and stared at him ; under the sunlight laying out the food . It was flawless and funny at the same time.

Suddenly, someone wearing a black blazer over a white tunic came over to us.

" Sir, there are paparazzi's outside. What are we going to do about it?"

I could tell that he didn't know what to do.

"Just tell them to come in."

Kendall looked at me in shock.

"What the hell are to doing Cass?"

"Just let them come in."

"Yes Mam"

And he left, I took Kendall's hand.

"Kendall, it's okay, I'll just hide in the bushes for a while. You throw all this aside somewhere. Go up to your room and read something. Quick!"

He nodded his head and we both got everything and dumped the food somewhere in a random bush. I jumped over another bush and hid there.

" You okay here Cass? "

" Yeah, totally. Don't worry about me. Quick go!"

He turned and left. I sat there staring into space. I was hungry.

I stared at the food basket opposite me. I was too hungry. Sprawled on the ground, i reach out for my fish burger. I unwrapped it and started munching into it. It felt like heaven.

Then I started to remember. About the pictures in the hallway. With Kendall and I . 

The reporters were going to realise that. What will happen to Kendall?

I started to link things up.

If paparazzis realised that I was dating Kendall, the news would be filled with our news. Then, celebrity pop magazines would be filled with our news too. Girls in my school loves reading celebrity magazines. If they see our picture, they will start hating me again! Then the school will ignore me and I'll be depressed and then I'll say I feel insecure... Then paparazzis will follow me everywhere I go, I wouldn't have freedom... 

Then if I break up with him, I would be on the ' break up ' page every single week. It wasn't looking good.

Then my phone buzzed. I fished it out and looked at it. It was Angelica.

"Where are you?"

"I'm not feeling well I'm at home." I typed.

I couldn't tell her that I was at Kendall's house hiding from paparazzis behind a random bush in his house. I was worried. I'm lying to her again. What if everything just spilled?

I heard agitated voices from the door that we entered to head to the clearing. Soon, I'll be busted. That's for sure. They will spot me hiding in the bushes with a picnic mat. My life would be over.

I decided to quickly hide somewhere else. I hopped over the bush and ran towards an opening. There was a door. I opened it and hid in the room. I faced my back towards the door. Staring right at me was a workshop. The kind of workshop you visuallise for santa's workshop.Those type. My pictures were all over the workshop. There was this huge radar tracking down where i was. The alarm of the radar started to beep continuously. I was shocked. What the hell was this? 

Then i realised. Kendall had been stalking me. 

Fallen Angel (Kendall Schmidt)Where stories live. Discover now