Chapter 6: Fallen Angel (Kendall Schmidt)

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His words left my stunned. I fell to the ground with a plop.


Suddenly, the world around me just started spinning. I stood up and started to run. With my world spinning, it was even harder to escape reality. I was staggering into the so called 'maze' and in the end, i just collapsed onto the ground. The last time i remebered seeing was Kendall running behind after me.

I woke up starled and looked around me again. I was in the same purple room. On the same bed. With the shutters down. The picnic, the 'maze' ... It seemed all like a dream. If it were a dream...

My head started to ache again. I clutched on to my head and stumbled towards the door, i twisted the door knob and headed out.

"Kendall where are you?"

I staggered down the stairway, with one hand holding the wall for balance, not wanting myself to tumble such a long flight of stairs. Just when i was about to go unconcious and fall off the stairs again, someone grabbed hold of me. I looked up and stared right into Kendall.

"God, are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks for saving me."

"Heard you calling, you better go back and rest."

"Can you send me home?"

"Sure, but before you go, please, tell me your mobile number."

I told him my number and he sent me home. He went forward and opened the car door for me. I went in without much trouble and he closed the door gently behind me. He walked over to the driver's seat and started the car.

"Cass, you don't look well. I better send you to the doctor."

I stuck out my hand and placed it above his.

"It's okay. After resting I'll be fine."

"Love struck eh?"

He laughed and turned back to driving. I smiled. It was true. I had all this fainting thanks to love struck.

It was awkward silence throughout the whole trip. He drove in silence and I sat there quietly. In fact, i was surprised. How come nobody knew about us? Why aren't there any paparazzis taking photos? This was getting harder to think about. I just closed my eyes and soon i fell asleep.

When we arrived, Kendall gently nudged me. I woke with a start. "We're here."

I got out of the car and Kendall stood at his car, watching me enter my house. I was fumbling my keys so badly, Kendall asked, "Cass, need help opening the door?" I was so ashamed and shook my head. I finally after a million years managed to open the door, said goodbye and closed the door.

When i went up to my room, i immediately went out to my balcony, curious to see if Kendall would still be there. And indeed he was, looking up at me.

"Knew you would look out. Text you tonight. Bye!"


And he got into the car and left. I closed my balcony window, changed and went to bed, with everything still jumbled up in my head.

Fallen Angel (Kendall Schmidt)Where stories live. Discover now