Chapter 2: Fallen Angel (Kendall Schmidt )

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As result to that, I created a twitter account.

The first thing I did was to follow @heffrondrive .

The first tweet was to tweet to @heffrondrive.

The first thing I can think of is @heffrondrive everytime I log in to twitter.

You could tell from my actions, I am actually obsessed with Kendall and you are absolutely correct.

I tweet till tweet limit everyday, thanks to Kendall. Well, you can't blame a huge rusher. Every rusher would be the same. If there is a rusher beside you now, please, do ask, don't make me feel so awkward.

As you can see, if you are a fan of someeone yourself, you tend to find every possible way to get that person to follow you. Exactly what I did. I tweet, I comment, I retweet every single thing he tweets, favouriting them as well. Just for him to notice me.

But, there was this particular week, which changed my life. Forever.

It was that day, when I had my mid-years. Mathematics to be exact. I felt like tearing the paper apart, with those questions spinning in my head. I sat there on my desk, those which only had a flappy table-top which you can keep at the side. I was spinning my pen, daydreaming into space. Time ticked by, the red hand of the clock moving one second and then another. It was terrorising and depressing at the same time.

Out of the blue, I heard a familiarising tune. A ringtone. Of twitter.

"Whose phone is that ringing? Please stand up and head outside. Turn off your phone immediately!"

I refused to stand up. It would be so embarrassing! And, I would be known to the entire school that I did not turn off my phone during exams when I'm suppose to! People would start calling me "stupid" or "idiot" whenever they see me! A million thoughts raced through my mind. Who the hell was that?

"Who's phone was that? Stand up now!"

Everyone turned to stare at me. Big Time Rush ringtone. I was the only rusher in class. Who else could it be? I was going to be in big trouble.

"Miss harrison, was it your phone?"

"Yes Mr Futila. I'm sorry. I'll go turn it off now."

"Make sure you do it fast. No extra time would be given. "

"Okay thank you Mr Futila I'll do it quickly."

"Meet me in the office later. Right after school."

Oops. Guess I'm in big trouble after school.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong!" the school bell rang, signalling the end of school. My heart palpitated wildly. My heart was in my throat. My heart was racing fast. What was going to happen to me? I haven't been using my phone since I turned it off after it rang in the exam hall. I didn't even know who sent what to me. How in the world am I going to explain to Mr Futila? You can tell I was freaking out. 

 After a million years, I reached the office. The only sound which could be heard was the typing of the keyboards. The smell of food wafted into my nostrils. I was starving. I just wanted to get the punishment over with it and go home to eat. But instead, there was a post-it note sticked outside Mr Futila's door. The books that i clutched tightly to my chest fell to the floor in a heap. It just broke the silence. I could feel everyone's eyes were on me. I could hear what they were thinking. I knew how they felt about me. 

The post-it note was staring right into my face. My mouth hung open. Oh my god. Who came down to 'bail' me out? How did anyone knew about this? Was my mother already informed? 

I bet you would be thinking what the hell the note stated. Guess I'll tell you now. 

'Miss Harrison, you may leave after you see this post-it. Take this with you, so that i know you have acknowledge this. Someone came to 'bail' you out of trouble. I have no idea who he was, seems like a superstar to me' .

Fallen Angel (Kendall Schmidt)Where stories live. Discover now