Chapter 3: Fallen Angel (Kendall Schmidt)

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Superstar? Has Mr Futila gone bonkers? Superstar in school? Absolutely no way.

I did as I was told. I took the post-it note with me. As I sauntered my way out of the office, I crumpled it in my hands. I did not want anyone to see this. I was so dumping it.

Just. Just as I took a step out of the office, I heard piercing screams and cries. I turned around. To my horror, I saw a huge bunch of girls, circling around a person I guess. There were way too many people for me to see. I decided to give up the chance of checking out who in the world is that person there and headed home.

I strolled out of the school gate. Exams were still on tomorrow. Damn. But something was beginning to feel weird. Something was going on. I don't presume it was the mid-years, since nobody in my school ever cares. The usual pathway from the exit to the main gate. Something was missing. It wasn't the tiles, the paint wasn't peeling off. But something just doesn't seem right, isn't how it feels everyday walking this path home.

I looked around me. I scanned the vicinity really closely. Now I am pretty sure, there was something really really mysterious over that bunch of girls. That 'someone' must be 'someone' really really attractive. Just then, Mr Futila's words came flooding into my mind. Could it be true.....?

Okay, let me give you a hint of my school every day once school ends. It would be totally noisy. Boys would anxiously prepare their skateboards and would be skating around the school compound, girls would be sitting under trees having chats, picnics, whatever you can think of. Teachers would head back to their crampy little office to mark worksheets. Cleaners would be busy cleaning up our mess. Well you get it don't you?

But today. Today. I'm emphasising on the Today. It was exceptionally quiet. The swings were empty. The skateboard park was empty. The seats under the trees were all vacant. It was all so quiet! A gentle breeze blew and I could hear the rustle of the leaves around me. I heard a penny drop. It was that dead silence, like what you would see when you go back to school on a Saturday.

I was still in my state of shock that I did not notice what was happening behind me. The door just flew open and the noise was back. The commotions, the screams, the shouts. All of them were returning.

A group of people-huge group of people were crowding around someone. The crowd of people were seriously too huge for me to see who that was. But i sure do know it was some important, someone with a lot of fame.

I turned back with my blonde hair smacking into my face. I increased my footsteps. I wanted to get out of this sickening place. As i walked out of the gate, i could hear footsteps behind me, this time it was faster. I started to run. But before i could do anything, a smooth,warm hand grabbed hold of me. I turned around frantically. And guess who i saw. He was staring right into my minight blue eyes. He was staring into me, like as though he wanted to eat up how i was feeling inside.

If you were guessing that 'he' was kendall, you guys were all totally wrong. It wasn't Kendall. It was Dustin. Kendall's best friend.

Oh My God. Dustin?

"What are you doing here at my school? Let go of me!"

"Wait Wait!! Listen to me!"

I was panicking. I was hallucinating too much. First, i thought it was Kendall and now i'm hallucinating Dustin. What the hell is going on with me? I started struggling. I wanted to get out of Dustin's reach. I wanted to leave so badly. But i couldn't. His grip was like iron. I couldn't go anywhere.

It doesn't make any sense! Why of all people would Dustin wanted to stop ?me from leaving? He should be happy that there was one person less that crowded around him. All i could think of was 'what the hell is going on?' I had absolutely no idea.

Fallen Angel (Kendall Schmidt)Where stories live. Discover now