Chapter 37: Help.

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It's the Friday before school starts up again on Tuesday, and I thought I was going to some party with Meg but it fell through.  I told Jack I was busy but now I have nothing to do so I think I'm going to surprise him at his apartment.

"Mom?!" I yell up the stairs, putting on my jacket and slipping on my shoes.


"Going to hangout with Jack!" I open the door to the freezing cold and squeeze my arms close to my body.

Once in my car, I blast the heat until it warms up a little and then I start backing out of my driveway. It's only a twenty or so minute drive to Jack's because it's all back roads in the city that you can go fast on without getting caught.

I stop at a diner for some quick take out for Jack and I, then keep driving down the dark roads.  I can't help but eat a few fries as I drive, they smell so fucking good.

I'm on the road that takes me straight to Jack's house when I hit a patch of ice.  I slide onto the sidewalk and into a telephone pole, leaving a few dents in the front of my car and me slamming into my steering wheel.  After I'm stopped and get myself together, I try step on the gas but it doesn't work.  Maybe the car turned off.  I twist the key so it's off, then try to start it.  Nothing happens.

I grab my phone from the cupholder and call Jack, looking around to make sure nobody is here.

"What's up?" He says, and I'm kind of out of breath.

"I was coming to surprise you and I hit ice and crashes and now my car won't work," I say quickly, trying to turn it on again.

"Where are you?" He asks, and I hear him rustling around.

"Uh, on that road the goes straight to your place," I tell him, and then I feel something drip down the side of my face.  When I swipe my hand across my forehead and pull back, it's red with blood.  I look around to see where it came from and notice that the passenger window is shattered.  Glass must've hit me.

"Get out of the car and run toward my apartment, okay?  I'm coming right now." Jack says, and I grab a napkin to hold to my forehead.  "Stay on the phone with me."

As soon as I swing open the door, I hit something.  That's weird, I thought the pole was on the other side.  When I look out of the window, it's not the pole.  It's not the pole.

I feel fear shoot through my body as I scramble backwards, trying to get away from this guy grinning at me.  I drop my phone on the floor of my car- my hands aren't working anymore.  His eyes are glazed over, and his skin is filthy.  He has a dirty long beard, and is wearing ripped clothes. He's obviously high off of something strong, and definitely isn't out here because he's a good person trying to help.

He yanks open the drives door, and I'm on the passenger side, pushing as hard as I can but its jammed.  Fuck, fuck, fuck.  I send my fist through the already shattered window, and just as I'm about to dive out of it, he's got my waist.

"Get off of me!" I yell, throwing my hand back to punch him, but he's a lot stronger.

I get loose for a second and try to throw myself out of the window, but he's got me. He pulls me backwards out of the car as I try to grab onto anything I can to keep me in.  He throws me to the ground, and I feel all of the air exit my lungs.

He grabs my hands and pins them over my head as I kick like hell, trying to get him off.  One of his hands starts unbuttoning my jeans while the other keeps my hands on the cold ground.

"No!  Stop!" I yell, trying to kick him, but he has his legs over mine to keep them down.

"Sh, it's okay, pretty. It's okay." I don't know whether he's trying to convince me or himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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