Chapter 10: Intoxication.

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It's been a few days since Jack's fight, and I haven't seen him since then. He called me once to see if he could come over to hook up, but my mom was home and it was a school night so I didn't want to risk it. Now it's Friday and I have plans to go to a party with Meg later.

I lay on the couch for a while eating chips before I have to start getting ready. I jog upstairs and throw on a nicer outfit than just a hoodie, and Meg honks her car horn in front of my house. I run downstairs- almost tripping on one of the steps and jamming my foot into s corner- then proceed to hope around the house looking for my shoes. When I finally find them I slip them on and run outside to Meg who's leaning on the horn.

"What took so long?" She asks, needless to say she's a little impatient.

"Sorry, I was dying. Drive." I say, tying my shoe.

It's not long before we pull up at party that's already in full swing. I get out of the car and run my fingers through my hair before Meg starts giving me one of her usual plans.

"Okay, if we get into trouble, go back to the car. If we don't go back to the car for some reason, call to inform the other person. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," I say, wiping a piece of fuzz off of my leggings. "Let's get this party started."

I march on into the house, immediately grabbing a drink and a chaser before walking around and mingling while drinking way more than I probably should. An hour into the party, I find Meg hanging out with her boyfriend, Lucas, and when she sees me, she comes straight forward.

"Easy on the drinking," she says, and I huff.

"Sorry mom, you look a lot like Meg." I say sarcastically, and actually, she doesn't look a lot like anything. Just some swaying, blurry, blobs

"I'm serious. You're going to blackout or start puking if you keep this going. Chill, Kate." She says, and I take a swig from the bottle in holding, making direct eye contact with her. "Fine, we're leaving. You're not going to act like a fucking child anymore. Have some self control."

I chug the rest of the bottle as she tries to grab it away, and then I hand the empty glass to her. She snatches it from me and slams it on the counter.

"Lucas, can we drive her home in your car? I want to come back and I need your help." She says, and he smiles then kisses her.

"Of course," he says, and I make face gagging noises that they ignore.

Lucas drags me very gently out to the car and puts me into the backseat. Meg climbs in the back with me, strapping me in and then herself.

"You have a problem. Next time we come to a party, you're not allowed to drink." Meg says and I roll my eyes.

"You can't stop me, and I don't have a problem. I could stop if I tried to," I point out, and she grabs my thigh.

"You have to get your shit together," Meg says as Lucas drives me home.

My senses are clouded by the familiar effects of alcohol. My vision is blurry, my body feels like it's swaying, I can't think very fast, I know that my words are coming out slow, I'm trashed.

When we pull up in front of my house, my moms car isn't in the driveway and I let out a sign of relief. Meg helps me to the door, and unlocks it when I can't put the key into the lock.

"You going to be okay?" She asks, and I nod. "Don't be mad, it's for your own good."

"I was just having a good time," I say, pouting a little bit.

"But you don't always have to get shit faced to have a good time, Kate. You have to understand that." Meg explains, and I walk into my house and slam the door like the child I am.

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