Chapter 12: Grocery Store.

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"Put it here," I say, pointing at the children's seat at the front of the cart. "You can get one thing, and if you see something better swap it with this one."

"Okay," Jack says, walking with his hand on the wagon and looking around.

"Have you never been to a grocery store?" I ask while laughing, and he doesn't look at me.

"Not one like this. Just these small ones that sell milk, eggs, and cereal basically. But this has so much." Jack says, and I watch him in amusement.

"Stay here for a second, I forgot bread." I say, leaving him with the cart and turning around.

I'm not even five steps away when I hear the cart, and when I turn around, he's following me with his feet on the edge, and when he slows down, he gives himself another push. His hair is blowing back as he flies past me, and grabs my hand.

"Come on!" He says, and I have to run to keep up with him.

"Slow down!" I shout, and he ignored me, his hand firmly grasping mine.

"Where's the bread?" He asks, letting go of my hand and trying to slow down.

When he puts his foot down, the cart flips over and he gets squished under it. I look down in awe as he lays on the ground with his eyes closed and his body sprawled out on the ground. I can't stop the laughs that are escaping my body as he has to peel himself off of the floor with the other customers watching. He carefully places the food in the cart, and then pushed it in a responsible manner.

I can't stop laughing all the way to the bread, and he turns around every few feet to glare at me.

"I'm sorry, it was so funny," I say, trying to control myself.

He ignores me, standing with his arms crossed over his chest. I put the bread that my mom wants into the cart, and look up at Jack to see that his looking at my chest.

"Are you staring at my boobs?" I ask, and he stands closer so he can look down better.

"Yeah," he says, and I shove him. "What? I got curious when you bent down for the bread."

"You're an imbecile," I say while walking away. He follows me with the cart, bumping it into my butt.

"I wasn't expecting to go to the fucking grocery store, I thought we were going to hook up so now I'm in the mood." Jack says, and I roll my eyes. From childish to horny young man real quick. "Oh, these look good." Jack says, stopping by cupcakes. And now he's back to child.

"Cookies or cupcakes?" I ask, and he lowers his eyebrows in concentration.

"I'll put it here and decide later," Jack says, placing the cupcakes in the front.

I take the cart from him and he walks with his hand on the side and looking around. I watch him for a while, he's interesting. And cute. He scans the area with his mouth open in amusement and his hair a mess from running around. One of his gray sweatshirt sleeves is up at his elbow and the other has fallen down. As we're walking past the milk, Jack jumps into the cart, laying back on the food with his legs over the front.

"Don't squish the bread," I say, and he takes it out from under his head and puts it in a gab by his shoulder.

It's a lot harder to push the wagon with him in it. He's pretty heavy. I have to get lower and put more of my weight into it to make it move at the same speed I was going before. I don't tell him to get out, though. I don't want to ruin this for him. He's getting to experience things he never did as a child.

As I go through the isles that I need to, I place the items on Jack and he allows them to stack up, not even bothering to push them off.

"Put these with my other choices," Jack says, snatching a box of brownies off of a shelf and handing them back to me. I put it in the child's seat like he says, and keep shopping.

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