Silent Beauty: Chapter One

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Chapter 1:

Ally’s POV:

I quietly tiptoed out of the house, making sure to close the creaky door with care. It was unlikely that my father would wake up because of all the alcohol he drank last night, but I was still careful. I don’t know if I could handle another beating.

Last night was pretty bad. It would take a couple weeks for the bruises on my ribs and face from where he hit me to fade. Since I had a purple mark across my cheek I wore my hood up today. Nobody would notice anyway. I’m just a nobody.

As I walked towards the entrance of the school, I had to pass the “it” crowd. Of course, they couldn’t just leave me alone. As I passed the head cheerleader and bitch, Christie, she just had to say something. “Hey look everybody. It’s the mute freak. Why don’t you just commit suicide already? It’s not like anybody loves you. With you gone everybody would be a lot happier.”

Of course she was right. Committing suicide would be the easiest option for me, but that would feel like giving up, and that’s something I would never do, no matter how much I was hurt. I wanted to tell her off but I couldn’t do that. For one I haven’t spoken in years. It would probably come out scratchy and quiet. Also it would just make the teasing worse.

So I put my head down and walked by, silent as always. They all snickered at me making more jokes, but I tuned them out. I didn’t care what they thought. They would never know what I went through every night at home. They would never know because they all had perfect lives with their perfect rich families and they only cared about themselves.

They would always make fun of people like me. I finally reached the school doors and went in ignoring their laughter behind me. As I made my way through the halls toward my locker I could feel the stares and could hear them all judging me like they knew who I was, but they didn’t, and they never would.

When I finally made it to my locker I quickly grabbed my stuff for Biology and heading towards the classroom. I was the first one there as the bell wouldn’t ring for another ten minutes so I just headed towards my usual seat at the back and put my head down ignoring the pain in my stomach from bending over. Then I began to doze off dreaming of a world where I was loved.

I woke up to the screeching of the bell and the sound of footsteps rushing into the class. I didn’t even bother to look up. I didn’t want to see their disgusted looks when they saw me or hear their nasty jokes. I didn’t even look up when the teacher began his lecture of when I heard the door open.

Who ever was at the door came in and I heard all the girls in the class gasp, before I heard a deep, sexy voice speak to the teacher. “Uhmm.. I’m Liam Richards and I’m new here.” I could practically hear the girls swoon when he spoke. I’m not going to lie. His voice sent a shiver down my spine and not the bad kind.

I don’t get it thought. Nobody had ever done that to me before. So I decided that I should look up and see if he was as good looking as his voice suggested. When I lifted my head, my breath caught and I if I wasn’t so good at masking my emotions I probably would have been drooling.

This boy, no man was gorgeous. He was blondish-brown hair that was slightly spiked up and he had the most amazing piercing green eyes, that I swear could look into my soul. He had tanned skin and high cheekbones with a strong defined jaw. He also had the whole bad-boy look going on. He had dark blue jeans on with a white shirt and a leather jacket.

What surprised me most was that he didn’t seem like he was a player. He noticed all the girls that were pulling their shirts down a little farther and giving him suggestive winks and smiles while batting their eyelashes, and he seemed a little annoyed by it. I wonder why? He could have any girl he wanted. Most boys would take total advantage of that. Why doesn’t he?

Wait. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Why am I thinking so hard about this. Usually I wouldn’t even notice new kids. He was probably just like everybody else and would think of me as a freak. Yeah he would. But why did the thought of him teasing me and making fun of me make me feel so sad?

While I was having this internal battle with myself I didn’t even notice that the new guy, Liam was making his way to the back towards the seat next to me. Of course he has to be my partner. I’m the only one who doesn’t have one for obvious reasons. Great. He is probably upset that he has to sit by the loner.

I couldn’t even look at him so I decided to put my head back down. Before I did though, I noticed the girls glaring at me while the boys gave Liam a look of pity because he had to sit by such a loser. As I buried my head in my arms I heard the chair next to me slide out making a squeaking noise on the tiled floor as he sat down.

I was expecting him to just ignore me like everybody else in the world, so I was stone-shocked when he spoke in his soft masculine voice. “Hi. I’m Liam. What’s your name?” My head whipped up so fast I probably had whiplash. He was actually speaking to me? Why?

I was about to answer him when I realized I can’t talk to him. I haven’t talked to anyone in 5 years. What’s so special about him? So I just stared at him with a shocked and confused look on my face. He noticed and looked at me questionably, but I just avoided his eyes. I was afraid I would get lost in them if I did.

He was still staring at me when another slut in the class. Gina, turned around, sneered at me, and told Liam, ”Oh don’t waste your time talking to that freak. She doesn’t speak to anybody. Probably is too busy cutting herself and whatever else an emo loser like her does,” she said in her high-pitched annoying voice.

I looked down embarrassed at what she said and I also didn’t want to see the look on Liam’s face when he heard this. He will probably never talk to me again now. Gina laughed at me but stopped immediately when Liam spoke.

“How can you say something like that? Are you really that heartless? She probably just doesn’t talk to people like you because you’re not worth her time. I’m not sure a slut like you is really worth anybody’s time so just leave me alone.” He said in a cold voice that would have made anybody but me flinch.

I can’t believe he just stood up for me. Nobody has ever done that before. I was so ecstatic that I looked up with a true smile on my face for the first time in years. For the first time that day I looked into his forest green eyes and just as I guessed I got lost.

When he first looked me in the eyes, he looked shocked for a second before he jumped up with a giant smile on his face, his eyes full of pure happiness and was that….love? For me? No it couldn’t have been. He was still staring at me when the bell rang and everybody rushed out of class looking back at us every few seconds.

It was like I was frozen in place by his stare. It was the gentlest look anybody has ever given me and it made me feel weird inside. I sat there for another minute before I jumped up and ran out the class as fast as I could, forgetting all my things. I would go back for them later. I probably would have melted if I looked into his beautiful eyes for much longer.

I wonder what was wrong with him, and why he looked at me with all those emotions. It confused me to no end and as I grabbed my stuff for my next class I couldn’t get him out of my head.

It was like that until lunch came around. I had no food or money to buy food because our house was practically empty and there was no way my father would give me money so I just went and sat at my own table alone just like any other day. This wasn’t just another day though. Today somebody actually sat next to me.

I felt their presence even before I turned to look at them and for some reason I knew exactly who it was. Liam. I turned to look at him, avoiding his eyes of course, to give him an “are you crazy” look. Nobody in their right mind would sit next to me. He just shrugged and smiled at me.

He didn’t try to talk to me. He just sat next to me eating his massive lunch while humming lightly. This kid sure was weird. Then when lunch ended he just got up threw his leftover lunch away and gave me a wave as he exited through the double doors. I’m so lost right now.

Liam’s POV:

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The sound of my alarm clock rang through my room reminded me that I had to go to school today. Ugh. This is so stupid. I don’t want to go school. There’s so much drama. Not too mention all the immature jocks and slutty girls. They disgust me. At least I’ll have my friends there with me.

I sluggishly got out of bed and took a shower quickly gelling up my hair and dressing in jeans and a white t-shirt. I also threw on my leather jacket before heading down to breakfast. My little sister who is two years younger than me was already at the table making out with my best friend. Gee, what a surprise.

You may be thinking, “What the heck is wrong with him. He’s letting his little sister and his best friend make out?!?” Well you see they are mates. Yes, we are werewolves, and we do have mates. So, I really can’t stop them from loving each other. They’re soul mates.

You see every werewolf has a mate. Male werewolves are very protective of their mates and will do anything to make them happy. You find your mate by looking into their eyes and then it will feel like you’re complete. I can’t really explain it because I haven’t found my mate yet but I hope I will soon.

I sighed, “Hey save that stuff for when I’m not around. I may be okay with you two being mates, but I still do not need to see my best bud and 16 year old sister making out at the breakfast table.” They jumped apart blushing and mumbling sorry. I laughed at their expressions before stuffing a few pancakes in my mouth and heading out the door.

I hopped into my BMW and was on my way to school. When I pulled into the parking lot I internally groaned when I saw everybody stop and stare at me. I tried my best to ignore all the looks as I parked and tried to quickly make my way to the entrance. I kept getting stopped by sluts trying to get my attention by hanging on me. It was just gross. I was afraid that if I even looked at one of them I might get an STD.

When I finally made it inside the bell had already rung and I hadn’t even got my schedule yet. This time I groaned out loud and made my way to the office.

I finally got my schedule and made my way to first period, Biology. I was already ten minutes late so when I walked in the teacher was already lecturing the class. All the girls in the class gasped when they saw me and began pulling their skirts up higher and their shirts down lower. I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes at them as I introduced myself to the teacher.

He told me to go to the back and sit down next to a girl wearing a black sweatshirt with the hood up. When I looked at her I immediately felt a pull towards her that I couldn’t explain. I could tell she was beautiful even with the hood hiding most of her face. I could see silky blonde strands of hair falling around her shoulders, and I ached to see her beautiful face.

She quickly looked around, peaked at me, and put her head down. I wondered why, but soon saw the death glares the other girls in the class were giving her. Ugh, their so stupid if they think they even have a chance with me.

When I reached the seat I sat down staring at this mysterious girl next to me. I expected her to look up, but when she didn’t I decided to break the ice. “Hi. I’m Liam. What’s your name?” She jerked her head up when I spoke and looked at me shocked. Why would she be shocked? Surely people have introduced themselves to her before. I looked at her confused, when the girl in front of us turned around.

”Oh don’t waste your time talking to that freak. She doesn’t speak to anybody. Probably is too busy cutting herself and whatever else an emo loser like her does,” the slutty looking girl said with a sneer in her nasally voice. I was shocked. How can anybody say something like that, especially to this exquisite creature. I took a look at her just in time to see her bow her head in shame.

That’s all it took to make me murderously angry. I don’t understand why I’m so protective of this girl I barely know but I intend to tell off the girl in front of me. “How can you say something like that? Are you really that heartless? She probably just doesn’t talk to people like you because you’re not worth her time. I’m not sure a slut like you is really worth anybody’s time so just leave me alone.” I said in a cold voice. I saw both the girls flinch and wanted to comfort the cloaked creature next to me.

She looked to be deep in thought before looking me in the eyes for the first time with a slight smile on her face. When I looked into her gorgeous sea-blue eyes, my world stopped. I felt like there was a hole in my heart that had just been filled. I felt like I would never need anything else but this girl for the rest of my life. She was my mate.

HOLY SHIT! I FOUND MY MATE! FINALLY!! I was so happy that I jumped out of my seat with what I’m sure is the biggest smile ever on my face. I looked down at my baby with a love and happiness filled expression. She looked confused but continued to sit and stare back at me even when the bell rang and everybody left.

We stayed like that for a couple minutes and just when I was about the life my hand to remove her hood, she jumped out of her seat and rushed into the hallway. I whimpered slightly and was devastated that she left, but decided I should probably go to my next class.

Sadly she wasn’t in any more of my classes and when the bell for lunch rang I dashed towards the cafeteria. I quickly explained to Ethan and my sister that I couldn’t sit with them and ran off in search for my love.

I finally found her sitting alone and made my way over to her after I got my food. She looked at me like I was crazy when I sat next to her but didn’t say anything. I guessed that she didn’t want to talk to I ate my food softly humming while she watched me. I was happy just to be next to her.

I was sad when lunch ended but got up anyways. She looked at me with empty eyes as I threw my trash away and left the lunch room with a wave goodbye.

Something or somebody has made my angel cold and emotionless. I swear I’ll kill anyone if they hurt her, but first I have to gain her trust. Hopefully it won’t take long. I’m not sure how long I can live without her. I love her.

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