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Dear you a special you,

Smile. Laugh. Be happy would you!? Its okay to cry and have bad days, but don't forget to get back up. Dust off the dirt, wipe your eyes, blow your nose, and march on. Life isn't about numbers, it's about moments. Living is the longest thing you get to do, don't waste it. Let your eyes shine and your heart sore. Fall in love with the wrong person, trust to much, dance in the rain, have your heart broken, fall in love again, but most important LIVE! Eat to much junk and tell too many corny jokes. Be you and don't let anyone ever try to change the you, you are. Because you are the you, you are meant to be so embrace it. Don't forget to catch the rainbow you have to stand through the storm. You are special. You are brilliant. You are strong. You are beautiful. Your are outstanding. You are you. Believe it even though everyone screams other wise. You have to keep striving. Giveing up is not an option. There is no reverse only a drive, so get to moving. Be the you, you were always meant to be. And when things seem to be falling don't forget to breath. Step back. Breath. Then march on. Don't let anyone, anything hold you back. All the ups and downs prove you are alive. Your worse days still only have twenty-four hours, then you get a new start. So please smile, not the fake one either. Laugh. Enjoy your life and the people around you. Live!


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