Chapter 20

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"Say when, and my own two hands

will carry you tonight, tonight."

Harry’s POV

 I was waiting for it. I was waiting for Louis to say it. For him to come to me. For him to trust me.

He knew he just had to say when and I was going to be there for him. I was going to make him feel better, to make him live his life. To make him feel. I was going to be there for him, whatever he liked it or not. He needed it. But right now I was just waiting.

I was waiting by the oak for him. He told me to be there ‘cause he wanted to talk with me. He told me he wanted me there.  So without questioning it, I was there.

“Hey.” his sweet half raspy voice said and I jumped a bit, I hadn’t heard him nearing me.

“Hello.” I said and gave him a warm smile. With a light sigh he sat down on the grass and I found my place beside him. We just sat there in a comfortable silence before Louis turned to me with a shy smile.

“I just wanted to know if you really do like me or it that kiss thing was just a mistake?” he asked and looked down to his lap. I could sense his nervousness so I slung an arm around his shoulder and smiled at him.

“I like you Louis, I like you really much.” I knew it was a bad idea and that when I’d leave both of us would be more or less heartbroken but it just felt right for now. Live every day as it is your last, right?

“Are you sure, because I mean I’d understand if you didn’t like me. I wouldn’t blame you.” he said.

“Yes Louis, I like you so much.” I assured him and before any of us could change our minds, our lips collided. I would love to describe how it felt and everything about it, but I couldn’t. My mind stopped at the same time as I felt his soft lips. I could tell that we moved our lips together and that it was a sweet hesitant kiss but everything else is a blurr.

We pulled away and Louis gave me another shy smile which I returned.

“I like you too.” he said quickly and I couldn’t help but give him a quick peek. He blushed and I smiled brightly. This was how it was supposed to be.

“So you two fags has finally got together.” An all too familiar Irish voice snapped and I felt like screaming and crying at him for spoiling the moment.

“Fuck off Niall.” Louis spat back and Niall laughed.

“And why would I do that Boo bear?”

“Leave him alone.” I said and Niall gave me, what I think was, a sympathic smile.

 “So cute, defending the little broken boy. Louis I’m just checking; You do realize that Harry doesn’t love you and that he never has and never will, not that anybody else would either. You’re not loveable.” That was enough for me, I jumped to my feet and hit Niall straight in the face. He growled and hit me back, right on my nose. We continued like that while Louis shouted protests and screamed at us to stop and that this would not solve anything. I felt him dragging on my arm.

I was not sure how but just as I was about to give Niall another shot my hand collided with someone that wasn’t Niall. It was just then the fight stopped, both Niall and I stared wide eyes between me and Louis who held his cheek glaring at me with hurt clear in his eyes.

I was about to say something but Louis bet me to it.

“Don’t even bother.” he said before he rushed away to the mansion. I let out a defeated sound and felt the tears prick in the corner of my eyes. I was such an idiot, how could I have hit him? It was all just stupid.

“I’m sorry man, it wasn’t meant to end like this, really.” Niall apologized and I glared at him.

“Can you ever leave him alone? What has he ever done to you?” I snapped.

“He saved my ass.” Was Niall’s answer before he left me also. If Louis saved his ass, shouldn’t he be thankful then? Not hateful. Another unanswered question.

All of this was just a whole pile of shit. 

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