Chapter 4

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"What's your name?

Cause I have to know it

You let me in and begin to show it"

Harry's POV

It was a Wednesdaywhen I met Louis the second time. We were both going in opposite directions in the hall and somehow we ran into each other and fell to the floor. Me on top of him. A small scream left Louis' mouth as he hit the hard floor.

I groaned in pain as I got his chin on my forehead. I sat both my hands on either side of Louis' head and stared down in his deep blue eyes. He had really blue eyes with dark bags under them...I wondered when he last got a good night sleep. It had to be long ago. I didn't realise it but I might have stared at him a bit too long because I heard a small raspy voice speak to me.

"Can you please get of me?" at first I didn't realise where the voice came from but then I understood that it was Louis who had spoken. I blushed and nodded.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I said and stood up and offered Louis a hand that he diclined. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck and smiled at Louis. Now when we both stood up I could see that I was about one, if not two inches taller than him. He was pretty small and cute.

"Are you alright?" he asked and I almost facepalmed, why was I still staring at him?

"Uhm...Yes thank you, why are you wondering?" Louis looked at me confused.

"Because you fell...?" he said but it sounded more like a question.

"Oh right! Hi." I said and gave him a big smile. Why was I so socially awkward?

"Hi." Louis said but didn't give me a smile back, instead he started walking in the same direction as he was before.

I sighed as I watched him walk out of my sight. It was something about Louis that made me want to know more. I wanted to get to know him.

I had a small smile on my lips while I walked out to the garden, it was the same destination I had been going for when I had ran into Louis.

"HELLO HARRY!" my friends screamed and ran to me. I gave them a big smile.

"What took you so long?" Liam asked.

"I..well, I ran into Louis and we talked a bit." I said and I saw Niall's face pale.

"You mean you talked to him, right?" Zayn asked and I looked at them confused.

"Well yes, but he talked to me too." I answered.

"He talked?!" Niall screamed and I saw the doors open and Louis walk out. He didn't look at us but I had a feeling he heard what Niall had said.

"Yes he did." I answered slowly as I watched Louis sit down by the same tree I had seen him sitting by the first time I saw him.

"But he doesn't talk." Niall hissed and I turned confused to him.


"He hasn't spoken a word to anyone since it happened! He can impossible have talked to you of all people!" Niall screamed and I took a step back. I saw Louis look up and glare at Niall. I tried not to feel offended at Niall's words.

"Since what happened?" Zayn asked and Niall turned to him with angry eyes.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" he screamed before he stormed off with Liam and Zayn following him. I stared after them and shook my head. That was strange. I then remembered Louis and went to sit down beside him. He didn't look at me but I saw him tense. Why did he tense?

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked and before I could say anything else Louis stood up and walked fast back inside. What did I do wrong?

I rested my back against the tree and looked around. I could understand why Louis liked to sit here, it was peaceful and you could see everything around you. I then saw the lads walk towards the mansion and went to go inside. I stood up and joined them.

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