Chapter 3

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"I see you there,

don't know where you come from

Unaware of a stare from someone

Don't appear to care

that I saw you, and I want you" 

Harry's POV

"I can walk by myself." I sneered to one of the guards that held my arm in a tight grip while he lead me towards that place. I looked up at the big mansion, it was a brick house with that orange/reddish color. It had windows every here and there. The garden was big and I could see and hear people from it. What the hell had just happened?
I had been sitting in my house with my mum, stepdad and older sister watching telly as usual when they came. They had somehow learned that my stepdad abused me and that I cut, so now I was going to live here. In a home for unstable people. This had to be some kind of sick joke. Was I going to live with those idiots who couldn't even take care of themselves? Never. Never ever ever. It was not going to happen.
But if it wasn't then why was I sitting on a bed in that house? Why did I then have my own 'room' and why was all my clothes now in that closet? I guess it really happened. I guess that I, Harry Styles, a normal guy from Holmes Chapel, 17 was going to live here for god knows how long.
This sucked.
But I was apparently wrong about that it would suck, because already in my first week there I made three new friends. Liam, he was...different, but really cool. He always looked out for me and the other lads. Niall on the other hand was very jumpy and really load but he was cool also. And last but not least there was Zayn, he had a hard time to open up but when he did I got to know that he was really cool too and that he was the one I would go to when I needed help or advice. Zayn  was the one to ask for advice and help, Niall the one to do the crazy things with and Liam the one to just talk and chill with. They were all really nice and better than any friend I had had before.
It was a Saturday when we were out in the garden just talking and chilling when I noticed that a boy in our age sat alone under a tree. He looked really lonely so without hesitating I went over to him. My friends stood behind and looked at me with wide eyes and mouths hanging open, but I didn't see that because I just saw the lad under the tree. He had a blank look on his face but his eyes screamed of sadness, hurt and loneliness.
I sat down beside him without a word. I kept looking at him but he was still looking straight forward. His eyes were unfocused so I could tell that he was thinking.
"Hello, my name is Harry." I said with a bright smile and the blue eyed boy jumped in shock. He hadn't seen me before. He didn't answer he just gave me a short nod before he stared out in nothing again. I cleared my throat to get his attention again and he slowly turned his head. "Well, I was wondering if you would want to join me and my friends for a walk?"
He looked at me, his eyes wide by shock and ever so slowly he stood up and shook his head at me before he went towards the mansion.
What was wrong with him? Just as I thought so the other lads rushed to me.
"WHY DID YOU TALK TO HIM!?" Niall screamed loudly and I could see the blue eyed lad, who still hadn't reach the mansion , tense.
"Shh Niall, he can hear you." Liam hissed and Niall turned towards the lad who now went inside the house.
"Well he can't anymore, but Harry" Niall asked and I looked at him. What was so wrong talking to that guy? Was there something that was seriously wrong with him or what was Niall's problem?
"He just looked lonely and I thought it would be nice to ask him if he wanted to join us..." I said and I saw how their faces turned into shock as they sat down on the grass with me. It was the middle of May and pretty hot so we all sat there on the grass in t-shirts and some sort of jeans.
"Stay away from him Harry, he isn't sane." Liam warned and I felt anger rise in me. What did the know about him?!
"But what is so wrong with him?!" I half screamed at them, they all looked at each other as if to decide if they should lie or not.
"Well...Louis is...he's special and he has some big problems." Zayn said. So his name was Louis! Louis, it sounded nice.
"Big problems?" I asked in confusion.
"He has gone through very much the last years and from what I know personally he ran away from his home and lived on the street and took drugs. Then he came here and he has tried to commit suicide five times the last two years.."
"Seven times." Liam interrupted Niall and now it was my turn to look shocked. He had tried to commit suicide seven times in two years?
"How long has he been here?" I asked.
"Three years I think, he came a month before me." Niall said and something was hiding in his eyes.
"You know something more..." I said slowly and Niall gulped.
"No I don't." Niall answered a bit too quickly and all our focus was now on the Irish boy.
"Oh you do! Tell us Niall!" Zayn screamed and heads turned our way and Zayn, who didn't like attention, blushed deeply.
"I...uhm..It was some years ago but he somehow bought drugs while he was here and about four weeks later a guy committed suicide and it was after that Louis has been like...this." how did he get drugs in a place like this? That did not make sense. And what did that guy's suicide has with Louis to do?
"C'mon, it's soon dinner, we should go." Liam said and we went inside. Not once did Louis leave my mind and when I closed my eyes I could still see his blue ones.

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