Chapter 9

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"We bring it in but we go no further

We're seperate

two ghosts in one mirror, no nearer"

Louis' POV

Ever since Harry and I became 'friends' he had been a lot more around me and it felt like I never got time to just think and be alone. And to be honest, I loved it. It felt so good to have a friend again and just somebody to talk with who didn't judge.

One of the difference between Harry and Stan was that Harry talked about the future. A lot. It was one of the things he could talk about for hours and I listened carefully and made comments when I thought it would be appreciated. Harry always rambled on about how he wanted to be a singer but didn't think he was good enough and that he was going to study to become a lawyer when he came out from here.

I don't know how it hadn't come on the subject before but suddenly Harry stopped rambling and turned to me.

"What do you want to do when you get out from here?" he asked and I bit my lip.

"I...uhm..I'm not entirely sure but I think I'd like to be a drama teacher or something like that." I said slowly and Harry nodded.

"I could see you as one, a drama teacher. I think it would suit you." it was stupid but I couldn't help but give him a small smile. I hadn't smiled in so long but hearing that from Harry just made me...happy? Yes, it made me happy.

"You're really cute when you smile, you should do it more." Harry complimented and I felt a blush creep on my cheeks. Oh god, why was I blushing!? I quickly looked away and Harry laughed at me. "You're blushing!"

"I'm not." I muttered and Harry laughed even more.

"Yes you are."

"Am not."

"You are."




"Okay not anymore but you were."

"Never." I said and Harry slung an arm around me.

"You're so stubborn." he exclaimed and a gave him a sassy look.

"No, I'm just right." I said and he laughed.

"Whatever love."

"Love?" I asked doubtfully.

" kind of slipped." Harry said and I nodded. It could slip more times, I thought. It sounded nice coming from his lips and it sounded right in some way. I sighed. I had a feeling I knew what was going on and I didn't like it, or maybe I did. Maybe I liked the feeling more than I should.

"Are you alright." Harry then asked and instead of running away as I had done the first time he asked I answered him with a nod.

"Are you?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Yes I am thank you very much sir."

"You're very welcome madam." I answered and Harry snorted.

"If any of us is a 'Madam' it's you." he said and I placed a hand over my heart in fake shock.

"How dare you!? I'm much more man than you are Mr Styles."

"I am so sorry Mrs Styles."

"That's how it should sound...wait hey! Mrs Styles?!" I screamed and Harry literally laughed his ass off. I shook my head at him and started walking away.

"Louis wait!" Harry called out between his laugh. I kept walking and soon I heard him behind me. Eventually he stopped laughing and placed an arm around my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Louis, you are very manly."

"I know, just wish I could say the same to you." I said and winked at him.

"Ha-ha very funny." he faked laughed.

"I know I am." I answered and sighed happily.

I still haven't talked to Harry about my past but he haven't really talked about his either. I trusted Harry I did but there was something stopping me from telling him. Maybe I would tell him, eventually.

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