Chapter 4- Thoes Black Eyes...

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I got up that morning with a smile on my face and a bounce in my step. I was happy today so I made blueberry muffins for everybody’s lunch today. Making breakfast after a run on the treadmill I wake they boys up who have overslept then I go in my room and change into my uniform.

I would wear the shirt today but I am keeping the abnormally large jumper on if so, it was pretty cold today. It must have changed overnight. Ringing Jamie and telling her to meet me at the front door’s for some good news I go back downstairs.

Everyone seemed to be in a rush as I got my bag and shoes and waited by the garage door for everyone. Nate seemed to be the next ready so we were standing their smiling at each other like love sick puppies.

The rest of the week seemed to go really fast as it was the weekend already. I had asked dad is Jamie could stay over on Saturday and I was waiting for her to drive up. Nate and I talked over the week but we didn’t talk about that kiss, it seemed like every time I was alone with him for a minute that one of the boys came barging in and ruined the moment. Jamie was constantly staring at both of us as we sat and ate lunch, I would look at him out the corner of my eye and he would be going the same. If we caught each other looking we would look away smiling.

Jamie pulled up in her silver sports car. She climbed out and we went inside. Jake seemed to be around a lot more lately and it was rather cute, he would continuously keep looking at Jamie and I while we were in the kitchen or lounge room. We were in the pool talking when the boys walked in and ruined our chat. We were once again talking about Nate and Jamie had brought up that she thought that Jake was hot.

I couldn’t help but laugh as she looked him over in his swimming trunks; she looked like she could eat him by the look on her face. I splashed her with water before I swam for the stairs and got out, she followed behind me with a cup of water in hand. Almost no one was in the house as we ran through but I slipped and fell only to be caught by a warm hand that sent shock waves into my arm.

“Careful, you are a klutz!” Nate said with a smirk.

“Shush you, help me… Jamie’s after me!” I said as I hid behind him when she walked past.

“Have you seen Do?” she asked and he merely shook his head as if say no, she ran off in the other direction and I let out a breath I realised I had held in. “Thanks” I said before running off.

Jamie saw me when I reached the bottom stairs and she ran after me as I ran out the back door and into a little path that lead into the forest. After several minutes I didn’t hear her behind me and I noticed the track had disappeared underneath me. Starting to panic I looked everywhere for the way I came in but found no help. I started walking in the hope I would find someone or something that could help me get out. It got much colder as I walked and it became dark really fast.

I heard a something brake behind me and I turned to come face to face with my worst nightmare. A piercing shrill of a scream was let out of my thought before I was knocked to the side with a heavy paw. The midnight black wolf was about the size of a horse and it was standing over me. It sniffed at me before it let out a small but audible growl. The beast went to swipe at me again but I moved off to the side as its paw with its elongated claws hit a fallen tree and shred through the thin bark. Coming after me again it hit its mark, across my stomach was four large claw marks similar to the one on the tree trunk. Feeling sick from blood loss already I got a blurred vision and hearing problems, I felt when the wild animal attacked again. In a desperate attempt I screamed once more before blacking out.


Nate’s P.O.V

She hid behind me as Jamie ran past and asked If I had seen her, I shook my head and she carried on her way. Dorinda thanked me than ran to the stairs. She was amazingly fast for a non-shifter. I had seen her though Leo’s eyes all week and it was wonderful. I would see her running in P.E, painting in Art and paying attention in her other classes. She was so beautiful no matter what she did.

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