Chapter 2- Quality Time with the Quintuplets...

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I woke around dawn and instead of going on my normal morning run I looked through the house. Leo had the bedroom next to mine on the right and Art’s bedroom was next to mine on the left, walking down the small hallway left of my room I found Mikey’s room. The house was a two storey mansion. Our bedrooms were all situated around the boys main living space, the lounge room was designed with dark colours and the walls were a light cream colour.

Nik and Jake’s room were down another hallway to the right of the house. Dad’s room was upstairs, it was bigger than mine and Leo’s room combined it had a joining bathroom with It and closet. Next to dad’s room was a study and next to that was a library. I couldn’t believe my eyes at the amount of books that were stored here; it ranged from children’s books to fiction to travel to anything. It was amazing; I knew I would be spending time in that room from now on.

By the time I got to look downstairs I could hear people start to wake so I went to the kitchen and cooked bacon and eggs, enough for the whole family. Family, that’s one thing mum and I didn’t have. Sure we had each other but we never got along, we would fight like five year olds over a new object and as mum and I were mainly the same size it would be her shoe collection, most of the time.

Breakfast was ready by the time the boys came downstairs, Dad was up first shortly followed by Leo. Then the twins and then Nik and Jake. I sat there eating quietly while the boys were talking about the up-coming day and weekend.

With thank you kisses and hugs from everyone, they went upstairs to change. The boys came down with wet hair and their uniforms on and I couldn’t help but scold them.

“Dry your hair.”


“Because I said so, now go dry your hair. Do you want to catch a cold?” I asked, my motherly nature coming out seeing as these boys had been brought up by dad. Dad is what you could call a man’s man, he got the dirty work done and looked good doing it. Dad worked from home so there were people walking through the house all hours of the day but today he promised me we could work on something together.

I was still contemplating what to do today when Art, Leo and Mikey came down the stairs with dry hair. “Much better”

Before they got up I had made lunch for them along with some big muffin’s that I gave them when going out the door. I got goodbye kisses from all my brothers and a wave and have a good day from Nik. Jake was out of sight and I looked downstairs for something to do.

I was walking around aimlessly for about half an hour before I found the indoor pool. Running upstairs to my room I changed and ran to the pool with a towel and flip-flops on.

The day seemed to pass quickly and I grew bored, I wish one of the boys had stayed home with me. Dad was a help, we talked about all the things I had missed and he seemed impressed by my MMA fighting skills. We were in the downstairs gym for about an hour before the boys got home, they walked in and their expressions changed when they saw dad and me. I had just finished running at top speed on the walker thing for about half an hour while dad finished work and now I was fighting dad, hand to hand combat.

The boys stood there a mixture of worry, and awe on their faces. Leo was the one to break it up, I went to my room to change and I started on dinner. Lasagne was one of my favourite meals to cook so I made that, we ate and the boys told me stuff about their school while I sat there taking it in. Leo, Nik and Mikey did the dishes, they even wore the cute little apron I wear when I cook, and the funny thing is its bright pink and was already here when I got here.

I got along fine with everyone but I seemed to get along with Leo the most, he was the big brother I had always wanted and felt like I had been missing.

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