Let's Try This Again 2

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Lukas woke up to a very loud and very painful migraine.

"I've got to find a less painful way of pissing off my parents," he murmured to himself as he sat up slowly and tried to get his bearings.

Hmm, this isn't as bad as usual, maybe Emil made me drink some water before I fell asleep. I swear if he wasn't always keeping tabs on me I'd be dead in a ditch somewhere.

Suddenly curious about the night before he attempted to recall what had happened.

This ill conceived attempt was dissolved as the rush of memories caused another wave of pain and nausea to crash into him, making his stomach churn.

Barely grabbing his trash bin in time, he abruptly puked up whatever he had eaten the last night.

He grabbed a handful of tissues a wiped his mouth and chin with a disgruntled sigh.

With little grace, he stumbled into his bathroom, quickly turning on the shower.

Cold water poured over his head driving away the last bit of nausea.

"What the hell happened?" he grumbled thoroughly scrubbing his face free of the resonating smell of vomit. His memories were hazy and disorienting, as if they were filmed using a camera that his great grandmother would have seen.

With reserved optimism, he picked apart what was slightly less faded than the obscure images that threatened to cause another wave of nausea.

The only correlation? Two beautiful sky blue eyes. Whether they were sad or confused or even happy, they were the only clear memory he had of the night before.

Somewhere in the back of his mind it made Lukas' heart ache.

He chewed his lip as he dried off and stepped towards the large mirror hanging on the wall.

What he saw was nothing new. Except for the large dark circles marking his glass blue eyes and made him look like a raccoon. With another sharp bite into the tender flesh of his mouth, he crouched down to the cabinets at his feet.

With a gruff motion, he pulled out the drawer closest to the floor and reached as deep into the wooden furniture as his arm could reach.

His hand touched cool metal, a stark contrast to the lukewarm wood that surrounded it. With a grunt, he ripped the tape holding it and retracted his hand so he could bring the disk to his face.

A spiderweb of cracks extended from the edge where Lukas had once let out his frustration by throwing the reflective object out a window. The silver plating was even dented.

His stomach churned when he flipped it object over.

The same blue eyes that were now plaguing his memories of the night before stared back at him mimicking his tired expression.

The shock burning through the last of his grogginess, he inhaled hard enough that his lungs hurt.

What did he do last night? Did he just mess up his first impression with his soulmate? Oh God, now he probably thinks he's an alcoholic rich boy who does stupid stuff for attention.

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