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Sonics pov.

"SHADOW!!" I  cryed out as i see him cluching his stomach.
I couldnt help but growl at him......hes so stupid.....STUPID!!!
shadow turned around and looked at me. He smiled weakly and then hugged me.
I pushed him off and ran tords amy with full strength. I used my nature power and my jewels. For i am pissed!! "HOW SHALL I PUNISH THEE!!!??" i said with my fur glowing a light blue and my eyes turning icy blue.
Amy shook in fear and stepped back..."s-stay away!!" I chuckled at her weak words. "THEN LEAVE, BEFORE YOU BECOME LIFELESS!!" She glared at my words and ran but not before looking back. " I WILL BE BACK AND I WILL HAVE SHADOW, HES MINE, YOU STOLE HIM AND NOW I WILL GET HIM BACK!!" i watched as she ran.....
Why did i get so mad........i told her she could have him, so why dose she think that she has to kill, me....? Ugh i blame shadow.....!!!
As I was lost in thought i saw shadow leaning agest the tree for support.
He was injured pretty baddly........was this my fault??, of course not it was his, he shouldnt have followed me....

Shadows pov.

I stared at sonic as she looked deep in thought......i know shes probably mad.......well o well, i am just glad shes okay..........
She then looked at me and glared. "Shadow, lets go, i can take care of your woond....." she said with hint of pink on her peach muzzle.....she then glared and started to walk away.
I stared at her.......she is very kind but she trys to hide it....she much sweeter and kinder than the way she pretends to not care....i bet she acts like this because she dosent trust me yet, but i will show her that she can trust me with.....her whole......heart.

(Time skip)

Sonic pov.

I slowly walked to the couch where shadow was resting his stomach.  I wish i could heal him....but ever sense amy cut down my forest i have been loosing some of my power and i am not as strong as i used to be....
But I'm sure if i loose all my power shadow will protect me......damn is he not fair.....
Shadow smiled at me or more liked smirked and gently grabbed my hand. "Sonic, will you sleep here on the couch with me??" "No" "What, why!?" "because i have to stay up, and make sure amy dosent Come, i have a feeling she just might come here......" shadow glared at me when i said amy...... i know he hates her......."sonic, please rest with me.......just for a bit...." i sighed i know hes not gonna quite asking until i say yes......."fine.... but you better keep me worm...." i slowly climbed on top of him which sort of felt wrong.......but i did it anyway.....i slowly laid my head on his soft fuzzy chest. And let some quite purrs.....escape my mouth.......
Shadow purred in return and gently placed his arms protectivly around me. He then mummbled some words and gently kissed my forehead......i blushed but didnt punch him.....i know he is in pain so I'll let this small kiss slide.....just this once........

Shadow pov.

I watched as sonic slowly drifted into sleep.....i loved her soft purrs,  who am i kidding, i love every damn thing about her.....shes amazing.......shes everything i ever wanted........and i think we have became closer...
I want this, i want her.......

To be continued. ...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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