you lead the way and I will follow...

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Sonic pov.

"Ugh, let me guess you need help getting out of my forest, correct!?" I glared at that black and red hegehog.  He blushed and nodded a yes to me. I started to walk and I noticed he wasnt following, I growled and glared at him once again. "Hey, dip stick, how about you folow me, if you want out of here!" He quickly ran to my side once I said that. I looked straight head, I not once looked at the hegehog beside me. I dont even no why I offered to help him....oh well. I was enjoying the quitness but of course he broke the silence. "So, live here...?" I smiled a little. "Yes, I do" I spinned around and giggled. " yes this is my home, this forest is my life!" I realized that I was getting a little friendly and sweet as I always am but I am not supposed to around out siders so I quickly stopped my giggles and smiles and went back to being a jerk, which I hate but I have to so...oh well. He stared at me with a wow face.  I quickly looked away and blushed. "You, know.....your cute when your happy and it seem you normaly are but why are you kind of a jerk right now.....?" He said with ease. I sighed. "Its a tradition, I am not suppose to be nice to outsiders." He frowned at my words. " and who is gonna know you where nice to me, there is no one to yell at you!" I sighed of sadness because he is right, who would care anyways, i am the last of my people anyway. "Yea okay, sorry!"  He was about to say something but he tripped over a rock and I ended up tripping over him and I fell on top of him. Our lips connected into a soft yet long kiss. My eyes widen and I quickly sat up on his lap blushing like mad!! He slowly rapped his arms around me. " sonic, I-i think I like you, alot!!" I blushed and whispered back.  "Me too." He smiled brightly and grabbed me by my chin. "Lets do it again~" my face turned a deeper shade of red. We leaned into eachother about to kiss again but someone stopped us. "SHADOW, MY LOVE WHO IS THIS BLUE FREAK!?" screached a sertin pink hegehog!!

To be continued....

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