Amys rage....

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Sonic pov.

I stretched and tried to roll over but i couldnt......i groaned and started to squirm because no hegie wants to be held by someone they dont no.....wait.....WHO AM I SLEEPING WITH!?! I started to kick. "Let me go, MONSTER, MONSTER, you damn monster let go!!!!" "Sonic, calm down, it me shadow!!!" I slowly started to come back to my senses and slowly started to slouch into his worm arms. "Sorry" i mummbled. "Eh, its okay but yea since were up let me show you around the village!?" He said more damandingly than questioning.
I sighed dramaticly and leaped out of his arms. "Sorry shadow but i am going to the my old home......" i said as i slowly started to jump out the window. "WHAT, WHY!?!" He said as he quickly grabbed my arm. "Because i want to see it on last time and besides i need to go see something...."
the truth is i was lying to him.....i really wasnt going to the lake, i am actually going to look for the girl who calls herself amy rose.....i know that this may seem dumb but i have to....i need to know why she is sending people to kill me and why she cut down my home, this better not be because i am with shadow because if it is then consider me gone because if this is because of him than i wont ever see him again....

Shadow pov.

" What, why!!??" I said angerly.....i could tell she was lying, something was on her mind and she wasnt telling me it...
"Sonic, tell me the truth..." i said giving her my death stare. She glared in response and pulled her arm away and jumped out the window and ran..... and of course being the guy i am, i ran after.....

Sonics pov.

I had reached my destination. As i looked around i saw a girl that looked familiar.....and what do ya know its ms.rose....or should i say ms. Nut case....hehe....
"we need to talk...." i said as she spun around. She looked startled but then slowly began to a just....
"O, its you.....since your here....GIVE ME SHADOW!!" She screamed and i jumped. Her eyes showed anger and hatred.......because of shadow?? SHADOW!!!
She walked up to me with her hammer in her right hand. She swung it from left to right as she got closer. I growled as i backed up. "I came here, to ask why you want to kill me, but this over a boy, what a childish thing to be fighting over, hes yours, i have no interest in a boy who will surely just dump you the next day!!"
She then stops walking and then smiles. "You mean it, hes mine!?!"
Shes says as she smiles creepily at me. "Yes" i say with no emotion. But her smile becomes smug. "YAY, but i am sorry but i cant let you live...." i lift my head up quick to see her laughing evily. "You see sonic, i want shadow and you seem not to care but he dosnt share the love with me that he shares for you so if i want his love then i have to kill what's important to him!!!!"
I let out a pained she cuts me with the edge of her hammer.

Shadows pov.

I ran as fast as i could until i saw a blue hegie getting beaten up that JACK ASS, AMY!!! I kicked up my speed and ran infront of amys hammer before it touched sonic.

"SMACK" was the sound herd from amys hammer hitting me in the chest.......

To be continued......

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