Your Love Messes Me Up 08.2 - The Date - Disbelief

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A/n: Firstly, I'm sorry for updating so slowly >.< It's exam period and my research report was due today. Thank God I managed to make just on time i have to say, I was supposed to email it in by 2359hrs.

Secondly, Archery trainings are killing me since inter school competition is coming up and the fact that it's on our home ground this year the pressure is on for gold medals >.< the sad fact is that I just started 1 - 2 ish months ago. Not to forget my assigned mentor. I swear he's out to kill me with exhaustion, I rarely run and the fact that I'm severly overweight by school's standards doesn't help.

Did I forget to mention violin lessons?  With so much going on, I can't believe that i've gone almost one week without practicing?!!! Oh no?! What am I gonna do for lessons on sunday ? >.< *Panic mode.

It's 1.55am and I have exams when I wake up later so to those reading, wish me good luck.

Fan, Vote, Comment and feedback on places to improve :D

Thanks!! * Especially if you read through my rant


“Aiden please let me go…” my voice wavering as I spoke.

His voice gentle, he said “No, I’m not letting you go.”


Aiden’s POV

As I listened to Summer talk about her past I felt her growing more and more distant. Her eyes grew misty with every pause she took.

Needing to comply with her parent’s wishes like that is something I cannot imagine, sure if mine asked, I had to do it. But they didn’t ask for drastic things like moving town just for school. My sister made things easy for me when she took over the company; I did handle some business matters but with my sister around it meant that I didn’t have to face the crap that she did. It also meant that I got the kind of love that she was deprived of.

Instinctively I put my arms around her, I’ve never seen her so vulnerable, she always managed to portray herself to be so strong and tough…

Her voice was faint and wavered when she wanted me to let go of her.

Was she insane?!

She’s breaking down in front of me, doesn’t she even realize that she is and wants me to let go?!

Not going to happen.

Telling her that made her look up at me with confusion in her eyes.

“Why are you doing so much?” Getting up making me let go of her…She walked over to the railing and leaned against it facing out at the sea.

Elbows on the railing her face in her hands, she breathed in deeply and slowly exhaled taking awhile to recompose herself.

“I don’t understand… I don’t know who you were until a few days ago. Same goes for you and I just don’t get you at all…This whole relationship, everything that you’re doing… Such things like this only happen in fairy tales make believe.” she said, shaking her head in disbelief.

Walking to where she was, I wanted to look her in the eyes but she moved away altogether, resting at the other end of the railing.

Was her sense of disbelief so strong?

Since she didn’t want me to look at her eye to eye, I held her with her back facing me.

Whispering to her, telling her “I’m real and I’m right here”

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