Your Love Messes Me Up Chapter 26 - Some brotherly advice

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Hi guys!!! :D Violynn here! And I'm terribly sorry for not updating all these while, I got distracted by a lot of things and now while I'm having a brief holiday, I decided it was best to upload these again XD Enjoy reading!! :D

Aiden’s POV

“Now that is some entertainment I haven’t had in quite awhile” Michael said, as we watched Summer run off to practice.

“Get your own girlfriend” Laughing as I recalled the last ten minutes, I couldn’t agree any more. “You’ll get your own joys”


“Wait…do you…”

“No I don’t” he denied it a little too quickly.

I should rephrase that…

“You got your eyes on someone?”

“Not saying yes”

“Well, you’re not saying no either”

“Well, that’s all you’re getting”

“Secretive ass” I joked, giving him a punch to his arm

He just made me wonder more about who that girl might be. It’s going to be interesting seeing this smartass fall in love.

“Let’s head for practice”


Summer’s POV

No thanks to them, I walked into the studio incredibly late.

“So nice of you to finally join us Miss Summer.” The dance instructor noted sarcastically.

Sighing “Ready it give it my all Maam”

It’s all could say, I mean I am super late. What better way to shut her mouth than to impress her?

“Okay, everyone! From the top!”

By the end of the practice everyone was drop dead tired.

I sat at a corner cooling off from the buzz and adrenaline that dancing gave me.

The opening night is exactly one month from now and from next week our costumes are being brought in and for the remaining time will be rehearsals on the actual stage.

Not to mention the talent time contest in two weeks.

“Summer, you alright?”

I looked up to see Sonea’s worried expression.

“Yeah I’m fine, just need a minute to cool off.”

“It’s amazing huh, now that we’ve got the full routine down.” She said, taking a seat beside me.

“Everything falls into place and we can see our efforts.” I smiled, thinking about all those hours of practice and the blisters.


Reaching home, I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink of water and saw Jason there as well.

“Um, hey” I said, trying to be civil I guess…

It was kinda late and I didn’t expect bumping into him at this kind of timing, we have been living in the same house for a few years now but I haven’t really talked to any of the Ellery siblings unless I needed to. And now, I placed myself in an amazingly awkward moment.

Surprised to actually hear my voice, he stared at me for awhile before he actually said “Yeah, hey”

“Just got back?” I asked, seeing the towel around his neck and his damp hair.

“Yeah, came back from a run”

“This late?”

“I’m a guy, so it’s easier for me to run at night”

“Hmm, I guess so” I mused, compared to if I ran at night, I might get kidnapped or something

“You seem different”

“I do? How?” I said, surprised. Looking at my arms and legs, “I don’t see any difference…”

Laughing, “Not visibly Summer, I meant you changed character-wise “

“Oh” I think it’s the first time I’ve actually seen or hear him laugh…

 “You seem more alive and talkative.” He said, pouring himself another glass of water. “I know that you’re adopted and all but I am still the older brother here. You can say I’m also the normal one here, I’m not an overachiever like Sam is or a genius like Beth is, I’m just a sports guy who trains and tries really hard”

I couldn’t help but laugh at Jason; the way he’s putting is so straightforward it’s funny.

“To sum it all up, I’m on your side. Sam can get the company for all I care; I’ll just be the janitor cleaning up after everyone. That way, I can still live my life.” He winked.

Laughing again, he’s really a funny dude. I can see why he’s so popular in school.

“So…Summer, I’ve been listening around…”

“Uh huh…”

“And I’ve heard…”

“Yeah?” I answered taking a swig, wondering where this was going.

“That you’re with Aiden Williams?”

I choked on my water, when I heard Aiden’s name.

“Not with…*cough*…exactly…*cough*" I replied, trying to cough out the water that went the wrong way… “More of dating…*cough*…I haven’t said that I’d officially be with him”

“Good, cause before you came over, he had quite a bad rep during his last year of junior high school and he it brought over to high school too.” Jason explained, as he put his cup aside. “Though you didn’t notice since you came in at the middle of the school year and he’d quietened down by then. I just thought you should be careful.”

 Aww, so sweet! Jason’s worried about me, “I will, don’t worry”

I mean, people change right?

Who they were in the past doesn’t necessarily mean it’s who they are now.


“Well, don’t sleep too late” Jason said, patting my shoulder as he left the kitchen, leaving behind a few questions as well.

I mean, Aiden knows so much about me but how much do I know of him?

Even my brother knows more…

Should I even ask about his past?

Does he want to talk about it?

Is he really that different from then?

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