Your Love Messes Me Up 19 - Are you trying to kill me?!

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 Summer's POV:

“So seniors, we’re going to have our talent time for the community and for the scouts to see. So who’s up for the challenge to showcase your talents and take this opportunity into your own hands?” Mrs. Jones said, waving her clipboard around during school’s weekly morning assembly.

Hands shot up rapidly, Aiden and the other guys included.

When I heard murmuring around me grew louder and louder, I realized that what I missed was that Aiden was holding my hand up.

He’s freaking raising my hand up!

I don’t want to participate in the talent time!

I already have a performance to prepare for!

“Okay, those that have your hands up, stay back and submit your names to me. Single file starting from where I am.”

Pulling my arm from his I looked to him, and said “Aiden! What on earth are you scheming?!”

“Scheming? What are you talking about?” he said trying to feign ignorance. “I’m just thinking that it’s just our last year here, why not just take part and have fun?” now a mischievous expression replaced the former.

 Leading me to the queue, he assured me “Not everyone signing up is in it for the talent scouts you know.”

I said nothing as I signed my name on the clipboard.

“What type of performance will you be giving Miss Ellery?” Mrs. Jones pointed to the blank box on the paper. “Its required information” she said, tapping the clipboard for added emphasis.

“Before I fill in that field, I want to ask, am I allowed to bring in my own people, not of the school, into the performance?”

“Why Miss Ellery, why do you need to do that? We have the dance students here, I’m sure that they’d be happy to lend you some help”

That fake smile of hers makes me sick and want to bitch slap her. What more is that dumb assumption that she has, ‘they’ll be happy to’ my ass.

As if on cue, the teacher in charge of the dance students came up and said “Sorry Debora, all my students are signing up in groups or choreographing one way or another. We do not have enough to spare for Miss Ellery here”

Rubbing her temples “In this case Miss Ellery, you’re the only case that I’m allowing this then, please make it obvious that you’re the one from our school.

“I will Mrs. Jones” I replied bowing a little to hide my face, I mean what’s the big deal? It’s not like it’s the performance of the century. It’s just another talent time.

Big Whoop, I figured.

“Aiden, are you trying to kill me or something?” I asked, feeling the pressure as we walked out of the hall and to class

“Kill you? How so?” he said, giving those innocent puppy dog eyes look my way.

“By crushing me under stress! I mean, there’s so much to do!!” Stopping by a open window, I took in a deep breath. “I feel like I’m hyperventilating, I mean I already have practices 3 times a week, unofficial practices twice. And you’re adding more to my plate…”

Leaning next to me on the window sill, he laughed and said “You’re exaggerating, stress can be healthy.”Placing his hands on either sides of me I realised he cornered me and I seriously could not move away!

Aiden moved in closer and whispered to my ear “if you have difficulty breathing, I’ll definitely be able to help you” his warm breath against my ear made me shiver, again making my heartbeat go quicker.

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