Your Love Messes Me Up 27 - sadist or masochist

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Waking up to my alarm clock, I checked my phone.


Why am I checking my phone?

I sat there wondering, before this I don’t expect texts or anything…

But now, a part of me hopes for his texts…

Pressing the button, true enough the text was there and it was his usual good morning.

Replying it, I head for my bathroom and got ready for school.

I was about to head for my car keys when I remembered that Aiden would be my chauffeur today. It still feels funny to me, saying that he’s my chauffeur.

Walking out the door I could see him by his car, leaning against it.

He’s wearing a simple white v-neck shirt with a jacket over it and dark jeans, everyday stuff.

How does he make it look so good?!

It’s insane!

It defies logic on how a guy can be so good looking!

“Hey” he smiled, when I got to the car.

I replied back albeit breathlessly, my heart is having difficulties controlling its heartbeat when he shot me that smile.

It’s too early for my hormones to be acting up!

How did I handle it when my car broke down?

“I started talking to Jason” I said, trying to make small talk as he started up the car.

“Yeah? What did you talk about?”

“How I changed and…”


“You…” fiddling my fingers, I only dared to look straight. Well his voice sounds amused enough…


“Yeah…your reputation before I transferred over to Ellette…”

“Ah, my reputation…did he say much?” 

“No, just that you had a bad rep before I transferred over” sounding scared, I don’t know what to expect or whether I was stepping on a potential landmine.

“And you’re curious?” he said, looking amused, making a turn he pulled into the school car park.

“I’m curious…just that I don’t know if it’s something you want to talk about….”

I don’t know why I’m scared…is it something to be afraid of?

It’s not like he’s going to do something bad…

As he was done parking the car, he looked at me and laughed. “Summer, you look as if my past was some sort of horrible monster or like I used to be a murderer or something.”

Ruffling my hair he said “it’s alright to ask. Yeah, my past is not something to be proud of but it’s a part of me. I’m not going to kill you or anything.”

Getting out of the car, we walked towards the main entrance, smiling away Aiden continued, “I’m glad in any case.” Putting an arm around my waist, “Summer’s curious about me and wants to know about me.”

“Shut up” I blushed, unwrapping his arm from my waist.


“Aiden…Are you sure this is a house?” Spinning in circles as I try to take in the details, I’m only in the entrance in his home. “Insane! This isn’t even a mansion! It’s as good as a grand hotel!!”

“Sure, it is” Aiden said, resting his hands on my shoulders, edging me up the stairs. “Now it’s to the entertainment floor, gape in awe later”

“Floor?! Don’t you mean entertainment room?”

“Nope Summer, he means floor.” Michael added, coming in with Addy, Izzy and the rest of the guys streaming in.

“Let’s take the lift” Gregg said, moving in another direction, leading the rest of them away.

“Lift? There’s a lift? Aiden, then why are we taking the stairs then?” I protested, seeing everyone disappearing to the next room on the right.

Holding on to my hand he explained “because they want to give us a moment to ourselves”

“Oh…” I said, looking down. “I can’t believe that I didn’t get their intentions…”

“It’s alright” he assured, tugging at my hand.

“It looks like a long flight of stairs Aiden…” I said taking a good look at the flight of stairs.

“Well, my past will be a little long…Where do you want to start?”

“Childhood” I replied grinning.

“Ah well…I remember a lot of studying, travelling, more studying, balls or parties, press media when I was 6….or was that 7? Well, more classes on language, economics, local and foreign law, business management–”

“Wait, that many lessons at that age?” I said, cutting in when it looks like he’s going to continue on counting to his toes.

“Well, that was until I collapsed and had the doctor come in. I mean, I could handle everything mentally but my body wasn’t able to adapt with that little sleep.” He said, sheepishly.

“Lack of sleep? How much were you clocking in?”

“Three, maybe five hours?” his eye brows furred as he tried to remember. “My sister couldn’t take it seeing me overwork myself and took over; I remember having more time for myself and playing with Michael, Conner, Jay and Gregg. But behind the scenes I studied everything I needed just at a slower pace that was healthy for me…”

“Gosh! Aiden! You’re sadistic and an overworking person!”

“What? Why sadistic?”

“Cause you could have rested your tiny mind but you pushed your brain further!”

Laughing at my response “Ah, it was needed of me; I had to know the information by heart as early as I could.” He shrugged “I played more when Jennifer came into the picture”

“Jennifer?” I repeated.

“A friend from junior high, she hangs out with us a lot”

“How was she like?”

“Not very likeable, unfortunately, very sarcastic, her parents were friends with my parents so I have to bear with her, making everyone bear with her too.” He said, ruffling his hair as if to release some tension. “She helped me get together with my first crush, but it didn’t turn out the way I thought it’d be”

“Why? What happened?”

“My crush wasn’t who I thought she was…she…was with me while she was with another guy…”

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