Your Love Messes Me Up 25 - WTH

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Hi yall'! I felt guilty for not updating for so long and decided to update 2 chapters :)

Hope you enjoy them!

Remember to comment and your precious feedback is always welcome :D


As he processed the words, it was as if he’d expected me to run, he wanted to grab my arm again but I was one step ahead when I bolted immediately for the door.

Having a head start I reached the door, I wanted to cry when I opened it.

Michael was there!!

Why the hell is he there at that exact spot at this freaking exact timing!!!


Seeing Michael, Aiden naturally called out to him “Michael! Grab onto Summer! Don’t let her escape!”

Now, how our front entrance works is like this.

The door, one flight of stairs then a flat area about 5 – 6 feet long and another flight of stairs THEN you reach the ground.

I was halfway down the first flight of stairs when Aiden shouted that instruction to Michael.

From the corner of my eye I saw Michael jumping down the first flight of stairs, reaching the flat area before me. What in the world is he?! Jumping down a flight of stairs…

Now, know that if I have to say what I have to say what I daydreamed to Aiden and now Michael. My embarrassment would be able to meet Pluto in outer space.

Feeling desperate, I made my way down towards one side of the stairs. Figuring that I might be able to jump one flight of stairs, and with my dance reflex, I might be able to come out unscathed.

“Woah there…Summer were you planning to jump?” Michael said, heaving me off the ledge. Letting me hang upside down, I’m glad I wore jeans today…

“Ahh, FML.” I cursed as I hung upside down, I’m officially going to be late for dance now…

Laughing loudly “Dude, what did you do to make a girl run from you and try to jump a flight of stairs.”

“Hey, I did nothing. I was about to hold her hand when she bolted” Aiden appeared, just a few seconds behind.

“She’s as quick as lightning, you’d have to admit.”

“Liar, you weren’t going to hold my hand. You were going to grab hold of me like what Michael is doing right now.” I snapped.

“Even if I didn’t grab hold, you’d still run anyway. So I might as well try” he shrugged.

“Put me down!” I squirmed, kicking around.

“Calm down Summer, why are you so worked up?” Michael asked, surprised at this side of me.

“Because it’s something about me” he smirked.

“Ah, arrogant butthole” I muttered.

“Temper temper now, it’s a fact.” He smiled. “That you were daydreaming about me in class”

Shoot me now; my embarrassment is now at Jupiter…I can feel my face start to turn red.

“Hmph” I responded, folding my arms even though I was still upside down.

“Summer, if you’re not going to tell me I’m not going to let you go to dance practice…” Aiden said, after Michael put me down on the floor, placing his hands on both sides of me effectively trapping me there.

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