Chapter Nineteen: Jealous Beau?

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The first face I see is Luke's. I hug him and hug all of the other boys too and they all walk in. "Sam should be in here soon I hope." I say as they all sit down on the couch. "There's Fifa and Mario Kart right there if you wanna play that and candy and we're ordering pizza if that's okay." I say.

They all smile and I walk into the kitchen real quick. "I'll be right back." I say and sit on the counter, dialing Sam's number. "Hey!" She says enthusiastically. "Hurry the fucking hell up, they're here and I'm so awkward." I say and she chuckles. "I know I'm walking home right now." She says and I grab some Kool Aid.

Yes, I Alyssa drink Kool Aid given my age. I don't care, it still tastes good. I take a drink and hang up on Sam after she rambles on about Beau. I hate to be rude but honestly, stop.

I laugh to myself and set my phone down. I fix my hair before walking back out to see all of them playing Mario Kart. I laugh and Ashton reaches to grab some M&M's from Luke but Luke is quick to smack his hand away. "No." Luke says, shoving a handful into his mouth. I laugh a little and Michael rolls his eyes when he's blown back by a blue shell.

I fucking hate those things.

Calum isn't too into the game but wins easily, pissing off all of the boys. "Alyssa, you can beat Calum right?" I hear and snap out of my own world to see them all looking at me. "Huh? No, I'm not that good." I say and Calum chuckles. "C'mon, let's play." He smiles at me and I nod and play a two player game with Calum. Four rounds. We pick the crown category and I remember the last time playing this I hated all of these tracks. Rainbow Road, Bowser's Castle, the Highway one, and the Ice one. I don't even know.

I'm bad at all of them but I find myself beating Calum in all of them except in Rainbow Road and the boys cheer every time I beat him.

Finally, the finale shows that I got first place and Calum got second. Ashton lifts me off of the ground and I giggle. My phone buzzes and I look and see a text from Luke (Brooks).

"Hey babe. How's it going?"

Part of me knows he wouldn't like it if I told him we were hanging out with the boys from 5sos since Beau caught Michael's hand on Sam. Now he doesn't really like them. But it's harmless. We aren't doing anything...frowned upon.

"Who's that?" Calum asks and I shrug. "My boyfriend, Luke." I say and Luke looks over. "Not you." Michael scolds and Luke frowns. "Is he hot?" Michael asks and I laugh. "Yes, my boyfriend is the hottest." I say and Calum chuckles. "Other than me of course." Calum says and I roll my eyes.

"Do you have a picture?" Cal asks and I nod and pull up a picture of Luke and show them. "You guys are cute together." Luke says and I smile. "Thanks." I say.

I decide to text him back so he doesn't worry.

"I'm hanging out with the 5sos boys." I wrote honestly and close my phone. "Does Sam have thats sme boyfriend who got all pissed when I touched Sam?" Mikey asks and I nod and he cowers. "I really should apologize to both of them for that." Mikey says and I open my contacts app and click on Beau's.

"You can call him now." I say and he shakes his head but I hand him the phone as it rings.

"Hello?" Beau asks. I turned the volume up so we can hear. Mikey doesn't answer at first. "Alyssa?" He asks and Michael coughs.

"Uhm no, this is Michael. From Five Seconds of Summer?" Mikey says, nervous. "What are you doing with Alyssa's phone?" Beau asks. "And what the hell do you want?"

"Alyssa is with me. Her and Sam invited the boys and I over. I just wanted to apologize for that night. I was really drunk and I know that doesn't excuse anything but I respect that you two are dating and I just want to clear that up." Mikey says and I smile.

What a cutie.

"Okay? Where's Sam? Is she there?" Beau asks and Mikey shakes his head. "No, she's on her way though." Mikey says. "Can I talk to Alyssa then?" Beau asks and Mikey nods. "Okay bye man." He says and hands the phone to me.

I turn down the volume and push the phone up to my face. "Hey man." I say. I still can't believe I just casually greeted Beau Brooks over a phone call. I can't believe any of this really.

"Can you go into another room?" Beau asks and I agree and walk into the kitchen. "You know Luke won't be happy with you hanging out with them. And I'm really not either." Beau says.

"Luke doesn't care, I texted him about it and plus I don't think he has a problem with it." I say and Beau laughs. "Okay well I do." He says and I cough. "Good thing it's none of your business. Look, just because Sam hangs out with other guys doesn't mean she's probably cheating. I know Sam. You need to lay off. We're literally sitting in the living room playing Mario Kart and playing video games. Just relax, I won't let anything happen okay? It'll be okay." I say and he sighs. "Fine. I trust you. I trust Sam too but I don't trust other guys around you guys. Especially when they're drunk. Be careful okay?" He asks and I nod. "Of course." I say and kick my other shoe.

"Okay bye."

"Bye." I respond and we hang up. I like Beau but he needs to locate his chill. I walk back out and Sam is in her work uniform, bags in her hand and talking to the boys. "Oh hey." She smiles at me and I smile back.

"You were on the phone with Beau?" She asks and I nod. The boys must've told her. "Michael wanted to apologize for...that night and then I talked to him and he was upset at first that we were hanging out with them but I talked to him and he's fine now." I say and she nods. "Thanks." She sighs. "That's an angry phone call I can avoid." She chuckles and I laugh too.

We walk over to the boys and Sam plays them while I bring out some chips. I hope Beau and Luke don't worry too much...

Okay guys I'm pretty proud of this update.

Vote if you really like jealous Beau

Vote if you really like chill Luke

And vote if you enjoy a little bit of Calum Thomas Hood and Michael Gordon Clifford


Okay anyway guys I hope you enjoyed that and I'm going to try updating my other Matthew stories now bye :)))

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