Chapter Nine: Date/Beau and Sam's Night Out

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(A/N: Hey guys! So, I'm going to start doing songs for each chapter. Song for this chapter is High Hopes by: The Vamps. Enjoy!)

*I got high hopes for me and you. When we grow old I'll say I told you so cause I got high hopes*

***Sam's pov***


I turned off the water and opened the shower curtains. Beau grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me, covering all the goodies. He turns me around and hugs me.

"What are you doing?" I giggle and he chuckles. "I'm kissing your neck, stop resisting." He laughs and presses his lips gently against my neck and I immediately bring my shoulders up, leaning my head to the side and laughing.

"That doesn't even tickle." He says and walks out, into his room but pauses, looking back at me. I slowly walk out, towel around me, and see that James and Daniel are sitting on the bed, wide eyed.

I pull Beau back into the bathroom and throw a towel at him and walk out in my towel. "Oh hey, we were going to see if you two wanted to come with us to a club." Daniel offers and I shake my head. "We're going on a date." I say.

"Okay well I guess it's just Jai and us." James says to Daniel and they both nod. "Where is Jai?" I ask and Beau walks out, towel tied around his waist. I refrain myself from even looking at him because I know once I start, I can't stop.

"He's taking Alyssa shopping for Luke and Alyssa's date." Daniel says and I nod. "Where are they going?" I ask. "He's taking her to dinner at her favorite restaurant and then they're going to this lake that's kind of secluded, he had us both decorate it accordingly." James says and I chuckle.

"That's so cute." I say and Beau just shakes his head. "What a sap." He says and I laugh. "Whatever." I say. Beau is too, he just doesn't admit it. I shake my head and hear about how they decorated it until finally, Beau pushes them out.

He shuts and locks the door and turns to me. "We should get ready, Beau." I say and he shrugs. "We got some time." He says casually and I shake my head. "It's already four thirty." I say.

"So? We're not eating until like eight." He says. "Why eight?" I ask. "Cause, I want to get to the carnival on the boardwalk later than usual so we can see the stars and it will be like those cliche movies you see when they go to the carnival." He says and I giggle.

"You want to be a sap?" I ask and he gives me a look as if he's saying, 'fuck you' but he doesn't actually say it cause if he did I'd slap him. "Anyway, I'm going back to my room to change." I say and he shakes his head. "Pleeeaase stay for a bit?" He asks and I shake my head.

"How long does it take for you to get ready?" He asks and I shrug. "Probably like two hours." I say and he shakes his head. "Then, how about you leave her in an hour, five thirty?" He asks and I shake my head. "Fine."

"Sweet, let's cuddle." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist and removing the only thing covering my body (the towel). He chuckles and hugs me tight. I wrap my arms around him and remove his towel.

"Agh, it's cold." He shrieks and I giggle. He picks me up bridal style and carries me over to the bed and we lie down and cuddle under the thick comforter.

***Alyssa's pov***

We get into his car and drive. "At least tell me how long it will take to get there." I beg and he shrugs. "Like a few more minutes." He says and I nod. "Is it a restaurant?" I ask and he groans. "I can't tell you babe." he says, grabbing my hand from across the center console.

"Fine." I sigh and he pulls into a parking lot. "Oh my God, Luke, I love this!" I yell and he chuckles. I laugh and he opens my car door for me, allowing me out. It's my favorite Restaurant. Nona Emilia's Italian Restaurant.

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