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The guy leaving her office seemed like he was smug and up to know good. He walked passed me with a smile of triumph plastered on his arrogant face also a red mark that resembled a hand print. What the fuck exactly went on in there I thought leaning in the doorway scowling at her. She scowled back and I took notice, she looked drained. There were bags under her eyes as if she spent the night...crying I suspected.

"Who was the guy that just left" I asked once more as she stared me.

"Your one to just come in here and question me" she snapped angrily. I stepped forward,my eyes narrowed on her desk. There was objects toppled over and her clothes were wrinkled."What the fuck happened in here?"

"None of your damn business. Now get out" she yelled pointing at the door and my eyes widen. Did she really expect me to leave? "I'm not going anywhere. Now tell me who the fuck was he?"

"Why do you even care it's not your business" she folded her arms staring me down. My anger rose and I stalked toward her, did she really think this wasn't my business she was mine period. "You are mine" I growled and she laughed bitterly. The sound was dry and lifeless not her at all.

"I wasn't yours when that woman caught us together" she said "Now you tell me are you cheating on her with me?"

"I would never fucking cheat on a woman! What kind of fucking man do you think I am"I yelled at her frowned.

"Your the type of man who makes fantasies come alive and I was stupid enough to fall for your tricks and I was even stupider to succumb to you. The other night was a mistake and I think it would better if we just walked away now before things get worse".

I stormed over toward her so that we were now face to face. I could hear the uneven shallow breaths that made its way out of those gorgeous plush lips. Lips which she bit gently as if she were contemplating this. She couldn't be serious did she really think i was dating Claire. This wasn't over not by a long shot.

"No" I said sternly and she sucked in a breath "Dominic lets just end th--" I cut her off roughly grasping her by her arm and yanking her closer to me. She gasped suddenly and her hands fell onto my chest and lay there clutching my shirt. We were so close now that I wanted her naked, I wanted to stroke her body until I felt every cell in her body burst from wanting me. I wasn't going to let this or her go. I refuse to let anybody else have her.....she was mine!


My hands were clutching his chest and I instantly felt myself get wet with need. God....this man was so damn appealing and I couldn't resist him but I would find the strength some way because this was a bad idea. "Dominic please just leave" I snapped at him,he needed to go because I wasn't strong enough to handle this I might break down and then I would need him.

"You are mine" he growled and I tensed then glared "I'm not yours, you have someone already!" His grip on my waist tightened dangerously but all I felt was the warmth radiated off him.

"She's nothing to me. Just some girl who got too attached at the club. She's nothing to me but you" his hand strokes across my cheek softly "Are everything to me and I refuse to let you go. I don't want any man touching whats mine". I felt my eyes water and I don't know how I did but I pulled away from his tight embrace and whispered "I can't have my heart broken again" I sucked in a breath then said harshly "Just go"

"No because you think she means something. I'm telling SHE IS NOTHING!". "I don't believe you"I screamed "I don't believe any man anymore so just go and stop wasting our time and breaking my heart. It's guys like you who try to sweep women off their feet with their deceptive words and then when you get the girl what do you do. You cheat and lie. I'm sick of it and I'm done. LEAVE!" He tried to take a step towards me "Get out" I screamed and he stopped dead in his tracks. I was trying not to cry but I felt the tears begin to flow. I expected him to comfort me but instead he nodded angrily, walked back towards the door and said darkly

"This isn't over" then opened the door and slammed it closed. I stood there trembling I figured he would be back and hopefully I could handle it but what I couldn't handle was Brian. He brought back so many old memories of the good and the bad times. I remembered how I missed him after he left and how lost I felt.

Yet when I'm with Dominic I just felt like all the pain from past five years was gone and replaced with a happiness I hadn't felt in a long time maybe I was.....wrong.


How could she not fucking believe me I thought entering the lower level of her building. I stalked to my car angrily thinking to myself where could have gone wrong. She thought I lied and cheated.....I did but never with someone I actually cared about. This wasn't over not even by a long shot....if she thought this was she was sorely mistaken. I get everything I want and I want Camille Evans and it time to show her that she wasn't going to leave me so easy. It was time for her to become my fantasy I thought happily entering my car. The engine purred smoothly as I accelerated out of the building and towards my place. I needed some stuff for my attack.

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