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When Darla called me hysterical that someone had broken into her apartment and wrote creepy messages on the walls and mirrors. I immediately went over there and tried to calm her down. Tears were streaming down her face as she cried into my shoulder. A police officer was trying to talk to her but I wouldn't allow it, she seemed like she wouldn't be able to handle it. As we drove back to my place the car was filled with the sound of her sniffles and tears as I handed her tissues.

"Why didn't you tell me Dar?" I asked concerned, she was my sister and if some creep was trying to hurt her it was my job to protect her.

"You have your own life. I can't depend on you to protect me twenty four seven I need to depend on myself for once"she managed to say.

"The hell you can't! Your my little sister and whether you want it or not I'm going to protect you" I argued "Your staying with me until I find some security for you".

"Dom I don't want your security or protection the police said their bringing in someone from the FBI who deals with this". "I don't care if their bringing in the whole A- team or swat" I growled "You are staying with me and that's final". She sniffled leaning back in the seat "What about Camille?" My eyes widen completely I had forgotten that I was suppose to call her. The fact that someone was stalking my sister made me forget that she was probably mad at me. Maybe I should let her cool off tomorrow and then visit her hopefully she wouldn't be as pissed when I explain the situation.


A whole day passed with me sulking in bed still wearing my tattered clothes. I hadn't felt like moving or changing but for some reason I was going to muster up some energy and go to work. I couldn't believe a whole day had passed and he handing even called me if stopped by. Although I didn't want him too but somewhere in the back of my mind I was hoping he would just to prove that everything was real, that he wasn't playing with me but I guess he was. I sniffled a little holding back the water works as I showered, dressed in a suit and tied my hair in a bun; praying I could get through the day without tears.

I entered the office and as greeted by Timothy and my favorite coffee. He surveyed me up and down and I scowled asking him what he was looking at. He shrugged "You look upset Ms Evans maybe you should have stayed home today". I wouldn't tell my young assistant that I practically cried all night wishing the one man that i wanted more than anything would come hold me and.......he didn't. I sniffed and sucked it up

"Any clients today?" "Just one" he said looking at his notepad "But he isn't scheduled though its kinda like a last minute appointment". I didn't even ask who it was because I didn't care my mind was still wrapped around Dominic. His touch, his body, his lips and his kiss. I wanted to shout and throw things but I wasn't a kid I could control myself even though I wanted to just punch something.

"Ms Evans your appointment is here" Timothy called showing my client through the door as I shrugged off my jacket.

"Hello Im Ms Evans" I said extending my hand. He shook it and smiled wide "Its been a long time Cam" he said and I froze only one person had ever called me Cam.

"Brian" I whispered hoarsely and the smile increased. Timothy left us alone and closed the door behind him. He smiled wide and pulled me into a bone crushing hug that I wasn't prepared for. His arms wrapped around me and I was instantly overwhelmed with memories that scarred and hurt me. I yanked myself furiously out of his arms and stepped back here.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled. He blinked confused "I came to see you I figured you still worked here so I wanted to see you".

"But why?" I said.

Your just not what I want anymore

I'm not attracted to you anymore

The words echoed in my head as I stared at him dumbfounded. He looked the same except that his hair had grown longer and he looked more muscled. Not as Dominic my head shot out happily. I frowned and he smiled. "You always frown when your thinking about something diffcult". I bit my lip hating that he knew things about me..bee had been together since high school but that was a long time ago. "You didn't answer my question" I snapped.

"I missed you and I came to" he took my hand in his "To beg....you to take me back". My eyes widen and I snatched away my hand.... He had to think I was stupid or either crazy to not remember what he did or said to me.

"You must don't remember what you said. Well I do and for you to come in here and say--" his lips cut me off as they landed on me. He kissed me and I tried to push him off but we stumbled landing on my desk with him still kissing me. His hands wound around my waist pulling me closer to his growing erection. I tried to push away this time harder and he stumbled backwards off me. I breathed harshly as I tried to catch my breath. A smile of triumph placed itself on his face and I stalked over toward him and slapped him hard in the face. My palm stung as his cheek pulsed red.

"Your anger has increased" he noted with a smile,rubbing his cheek in pain. "I've missed that".

"That's not the only thing that I has changed" I said "I'm over you and done with you".

"Well I'm not I want to fix things I want you back" he said.

"What about Sara you two are married?"

He frowned "Divorce a year ago she cheated on me with a friend". I automatically laughed out loud what poetic justice, he cheats on me and gets cheated on himself. Hah! The fates are good.

"Isn't that some justice served" I smirked happily. "I know and that made ms realize that I was an idiotic fool and I need you back".

"We'll you don't matte anymore. Your just not what I want. I'm not attracted to you anymore" I shot his words back at him. He stiffened then huffed " I will have you back" he said leaving the room.

"We'll see"I yelled behind him as he closed the door behind him. I put my hand to my forehead fighting back a headache. This was too much for one morning. The door creaked open and I yelled "Haven't you had enough?"

"No not really and in fact I want more" Dominic said and I span to face him. He leaned on the edge of the doorframe scowling deeply "Now tell me who was that guy that just left?"

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