Club Fantasy

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"I'm leaving you" the words repeated In my head as a constant reminder of the heartache I was enduring. This wasn't suppose to happen I didn't spend half my life with him to watch him throw it away but he was as if it meant nothing to him.

I stood in the doorway of the bedroom we once shared watching as he continued to pack his clothes without looking my way. Today was our anniversary. How could he do this to me. Face wet from tears I reached out to him and he flinched as if my touch would burn him.

"Why are you doing this" I whimpered. He didn't answer me just continued to pack his things.

"Brian Mitchell you answer me right now" I yelled and he turned towards me sighing in irritation.

His once slicked back shiny blond hair was tangled on his head, he was still dressed in the suit from this morning and his skin had lost his tan. He wasn't the same happy guy from this morning kissing me goodbye. He was cold distant and mean.

"What do you want me to say Cam? We just don't have the spark we use to. It's boring its predictable and you aren't as young as you use to be" he answered truthfully and I was taking back. Not as young as I use to be I'm only twenty I thought angrily. He gathered his suitcases and strode past me to the living room then to the front door. He paused setting the key to our house down on a nightstand while he fumbled for his car keys.

It ached me to see him as he gathered his bags leaving me I had felt a distance between us when he proposed but we were to be married in three weeks how the hell could this have happened.

I mustered up some of my courage or what was left of it and asked

"Who is she?" He paused as if taken back then replied quietly "Does it actually matter?" I nodded already having a clue but I wanted to know that this was actually happening that he was leaving me. I wanted him to say it to my face now.

"Sara" he muttered and I crumbled worse. My legs weakened and my heart broke even more. Sara was his eighteen year old assistant, she was practically a damn kid and it enraged me. We had been high school sweet hearts and he had been my first and only I was so foolish. Tears flooded from my eyes once more soaking my face.

"You bastard how could you so this I loved you. We were meant to be together. We're suppose to get married in three weeks" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Would you rather I did this at the wedding I want to save you the embarrassment of me running off with a younger woman in front of your friends and family. We once loved each other but it ends and sometimes that's better. Sara told me to make a choice and I chose her. I know your upset but this is for the best".

"Why" is all I was able to say.

"Your just not what I want anymore. I'm not attracted to you anymore" with that he opened the door and it closed leaving me there a crumbling mess. There were so many things going through my mind but his lasts words were constantly there.

Your just not what I want anymore

I'm not attracted to you anymore

"Ms Evans" someone yelled my name jerking me away from the horrible nightmare. I wiped my eyes yawning loudly making my assistant Timothy giggle to himself. I shot him a dirty look as he sat my favorite coffee on the desk then asked if I needed anything else. I told him nothing then waited till he walked out to take a long needed sip of the coffee. Light decaf with a couple of sugars Carmel and topped whipped cream. I slurped some down and sighed heavily. It wasn't like me to sleep at work, but lately I found myself dreaming about the past the day when Brian left. It was etched permanently in my mind even though it had been 5 years. It was miserable.

I know longer went out with friends but worked from sunrise till night even though I had gained a promotion from the Management Corporation where I worked I still felt incomplete. I had even changed my appearance cutting my once long auburn hair which now came to my shoulders instead of my back. I didn't feel the need for contacts so I wore my glasses more often. I worked out more often retaining a nice figure but I never showed it under the business suits. My best friend Jessica complained that I needed to go out more but I didn't want too I wanted to work and get through one day without thinking of Brian who was now happily married to Sara so I had kept tabs on them till Bout two years ago when I came to the conclusion we just weren't meant to be.

The day continued on with me finishing all the work On my own after sending Timothy home early he was still young so he liked to party I use to like that when I was Brian. I snapped away from the thought finished, locked up my office and headed toward my car. The small gray Chevy had been my gift from the parents before they passed I was still a little sad but I managed with it. I drove to my new home I couldn't stand living in the house anymore too many memories; painful memories. I now lived in a large apartment that was decorated with light colors and a little bit of furniture because I didn't need much. I rode the elevator to my floor, walked to my place and once I was inside I kicked off the tiny boots and peeled away my work suit.

I groaned when I plopped down in the king sized bed which was too large for me i hadn't dated in the last five years and I hadn't had sex in six and I didn't want too. Sex with Brian had been the same thing every night and doing what he wanted it had been truthfully boring and predictable and he had blamed me.

It was his fault I thought angrily. We had always done what he wanted in bed but never what I wanted. He never asked me what I desired or what was my fantasy because I wanted a lot that he never gave. I wanted to be stroked touched, played with I wanted new rough passion which I never got and it was depressing to me that never once had I ventured out of my own comfort zone. I felt frigid that I wasn't willing to try something new because that wasn't me.

A knock at the door grabbed my attention as I slowly trudged to answer it but I already had an idea as I opened the door and was enveloped into a warm hug.

"Cam" Jessica smiled walking inside and I shut the door close and face her. She always came over at this time but she was dressed in her business clothes. As a real-estate agent she traveled many places and always looked professional.

"Jess why you still dressed in your work suit?"

She sighed and said " I've just been called by my boss to go on an assignment but" she paused wickedly as she pulled something from her pocket and handed it to me. It was an elegant shaped pass that was decorated in dark red and black with cursive letters that read fantasy. I flipped it over and it read VIP Fantasy Room. I raised my eyebrows at her and she smiled.

"What is this" i asked holding it with a confused look.

"It's a VIP pass to Club Fantasy. It's the hottest club in Dallas and trust me people are just dying to get in" she chirped ecstatic while I frowned. I wasn't really into the club scene it made me feel uncomfortable. Millions of people dancing in a small crowded room and touching on each other the thought had me frowning even more.

"Thanks Jess but this isn't for me" I said handing it back to her.

She frowned and said "Come on Cam where's my adventurous friend from college?" I didn't reply just looked at her and she sighed "Look I'm going to be gone for a week and I've been to that club and its amazing" she shuddered the last word.

"This is my pass for it and I want you to go enjoy yourself and trust me after the first time you'll never want to stop going" she strode past me swinging her curly light red hair in my face.

"Trust me this club makes your fantasies come alive" she smiled deviously walking out of the door. I stood there shaking my head with the fantasy pass in my hand. I glanced at it once more then dropped it on the counter and headed back to the room. Laying on the bed I was confused as to what she meant by fantasies come alive. In truth the thought was appealing to me that she thought this club would be just what I needed. Still I wasn't in to trying new things but still the thought had me smiling to myself.

Maybe I would go to Club Fantasy tomorrow night.

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