Chapter 20

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Everyone was asleep by 2am so I was last awake. I didn't want to make an annoyance of anyone so I gave Phil a kiss on the nose a curled up next to him a drifted off into dreams of Phil and I.


It is the last week of school before Christmas so most of the ass holes don't come to school and everyone is chilled out about being themselves in the halls, so as you would expect, Phil and I walked up the school stairs handing linked and heads held high. 

When we got to second floor where the lockers where, we were greeted with Louise and Luke both with smiles on their faces and you could tell they were laughing about something before we saw them.

"Hey guys!" Phil said as we walked up to them. Louise had her hands behind her back and Luke kept glancing down behind Louise. 

"What are you guys giggling about?" I asked them cheerfully. Luke knocked Luoise's arm with him elbow and Louise pulled her hands in front of her so we could see. She was holding a note with Sam written on it. It looked like the note we had found in Kris's locker with Phil's name on it but this had a sender name on it. ~Zoe.

I know who Zoe is, Phil knows who Zoe is, Luoise and Luke know who Zoe is, and that is mainly because she is the most popular girl in school with over 8thousand friends on Facebook that regularly go to the movie like party's that have a billion people and lots of making out in.

My eyes widen when Phil takes it and opens it. Still very pretty writing and cute little heats on the 'i's, it read:

Dear Mr Sam Pepper,

I will be honest, I've seen you around school and I've noticed how cute but also how sexy you can be. I know this is a weird way to ask someone out not to mention the fact that the guy is supposed to ask out the girl but I thought I would give it a try anyway, I want to know if you want to go out to lunch one day and we can maybe possibly talk about being in a relationship? 

~ Zoe Sugg 

P.S you can reply face to face or text me (insert number here) xx text me 

I looked up at Phil to see him holding back laughter. 

"Where did you find this?" Phil asked giggling and Louise said she found it in the girls bathroom on theirs floor. We all laughed and made our way to our lockers to get our things for first class. Today because it was last week the whole of our year was put into one class for the week so that instead of a class of thirty it was a giant class of ninety with three teachers for all of us. 

We all had art first so Phil, Louise and I started walking to the art department when we found Carrie. As a group we made our way to the classrooms in art block. Art block is just one giant room filled with tables and a bazillion windows. Louise, Carrie, Phil and I sat down together at a table in the back. We were all pretty good in arts and things like that so everyone spaced out around us.

I sat back to the board/ teacher with Phil to my left and Louise and Carrie to my right. Everyone took their time to sit down and another 15 minutes until everyone shut up so the teachers could tell us what to do. We were all given paper and were told to sketch what we want our future to be.

I started sketching down a house and whatever when Phil bumped my shoulder.  I turned and gave him a quick kiss before he nodded his head towards a table in the far left of the room. My eyes are like the worst thing ever, though, not as bad as Phil's but he wears contacts so he can see, but once I squinted I could see Kris O'Hannah standing screaming at Sam Pepper while all the teachers from every angle are running towards them and Kris raises his fist to Sam.

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