Chapter 15

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Sitting dirty on the breakfast bar was a smelly, crusty, old man who I once called Dad. 

Our dad was sitting on your breakfast bar with a cigarette in his fingers while Mum was walking down the stairs with her arm bandaged. I felt Adrian hold onto my arm when Dad looked up at us. Mum stepped of the stairs silently and walked over to the kitchen. Adrian squeezed my arm again and shook it a little. I was to scared to move an inch so I stayed still and watched and my dis-owned father stared at my brother and I with bloodshot eyes and ripped clothes.

I heard Adrian take in a sharp breath and out of the side of my still vision I saw him run upstairs to his bedroom. I physically couldn't move, it was like I was a wax model and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't move a inch. Mum patted out of the kitchen and back upstairs. When she turned the corner to the stairs themselves I could see her red and teary eyes.

My eyes flicker back from Dad to Mum. Had he hurt her already? I noticed how Dads eyes stayed on her while she walked. Out of nowhere I could move again. I felt a warm hand pull of my upper arm and looking down I'm met with Adrian with a horrified face. He pulled the door open and was trying to pull me out with him without saying anything most likely out of complete and utter fear. I turned around to take my school bag off the hook but when I turned back Dan was only a few steps away with his hands in fists.

Panic took over once more but in a different way this time because all I could do was run with Adrian just ahead of me. I made it out the front garden before Dad took a hold of my backpack and threw me into the ground. I heard Adrian yell my name before I got a hit to the stomach.

One after the other came more hits by fists and feet but the only thing I was focused on was staying awake after a kick to the head. My vision was blurry and my ears where ringing but I could still hear and feel Adrian screaming and trying to pull Dad off me. The kicking stopped but so did the yelling. I tried to look through the blur in my eyes but all I could see was a black fuzz moving around a little but I could clearly see Adrian on the pavement out the front of the gate. He looked okay and that was what made me want to try to stay awake longer. To protect my brother.

out of nowhere I got a knock to my right leg and then to my head. My vision went black for a second. When I re-gained sight I was being pulled off the ground by Adrian and Dad was charging at us. Adrian pulled me right and Dad tripped on my feet. My entire body was numb so when Adrian dropped me and called the police the only pain I felt was when I heard Adrian's chocked screams into the phone. 

A thought popped into my head , Where is Mum?  I heard Adrian telling the police our address and a quiet groan from next to me. All of a sudden my vision came back and so did all my movement and hearing. But nobody was talking, and all I could hear was talking in a distance, I could see Dad on the ground, he wasn't moving. Adrian was sitting calmly on the side of the patio playing on his phone like nothing happened. I was clueless when Mum walked out the front door and walked past the passed out body on the ground and the brain dead boy on the steps. 

"Dan" Mum sad resting her hand on my shoulder. I stared at her without moving. She looked clam and didn't have her arm in bandages anymore. She placed her other hand on my other shoulder and I continued to stare into her emotionless eyes. 

"Dan" She said again, slightly loud shaking my shoulder slightly.

"Dan!" she yelled. I blinked and I was on the bus again. I was staring not at my mum but at one of the girls from behind me. She was standing in the walk way holding my shoulders just as Mum was. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Are you okay? You seem to be aware of your surroundings now so what the hell are you doing flapping around on a bus?" The girl said. I have no idea what is happening. 

"Sorry" I half whispered and sat back down in my seat. I looked back into the bus and I could see Adrian in the same pose as he was at home. 

"No look, I don't know what happened, but you like fell forwards when the bus stopped and hit your head. I don't know if you got knocked out or what but you fucking flipped your shit bro, are you okay?" She said sitting down beside me with her (presumed) girl friend pocking her head in-between mine and the girl's.

"How long have we been on the bus?" I asked. The girls looked at me weirdly, but we can't have been that long because they get off on only the fourth or fifth stop. 

"It's been about twenty minutes since we left the school. But we hit the breaks a bit hard a few minutes ago and as she said, you fell forward and hit your head on the chair. Did you ligit' get knocked out?" The girlfriend from the row behind me said. 

"I don't know what happened... I think I was because I had a... I guess it was a dram? Where I was already home" I said. Everything was circling my head but then something pooped into my head, what if that is what's going to happen? What if that was a vision into the future?  I kept this to myself and tried to not think about it by saying everything was okay now and plugging in my earphones and fast forwarding time to when I got off the school bus. 

After a while I reached our stop and Adrian and I walked off the bus, the dream buzzing into my eyes, making me see things that weren't there. We turned the corner and Mum's car was parked in the drive way. That was completely normal. 

We got down to our house and opening the gate to the garden there was no foot prints. I took my house key out and unlocked the door slowly, trying to look though the blurry tinted glass inside. I opened the door fast and walked inside and swung around quickly to hook my backpack on the hooks. I turned back around to see an empty kitchen. 

Adrian pushes past me and puts his bag away and trots upstairs to his room. I follow him and walked past his bedroom and headed into mine. Mum was home, somewhere, but knowing Dad wasn't here made me feel like everything was okay. About 10 minutes past before Mum called Adrian and I down to the lounge. 

I had only just gotten all my tabs open ready to start tumblring before Mum called us. I sighed and closed my laptop and walking downstairs. I was thirsty so I walked straight into the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice, thinking Mum probably just wanted to tell us something and couldn't be bothered walking up to our rooms. 

"Dan? Lounge please" Mum echoed through the house. I brought my juice with me and walked into the lounge. I had my head down looking at my phone when I entered. I glanced up at Mum and gave her a smile before looking back down. 

"Take a seat Dan" Mum said calmly. I looked up to see where a free seat was to be greeted with a demon. 

Sitting on our sofa was in real life, Dad.

<Sorry it's short (ish) I tried to write it quickly because I've had people for weeks begging me to write this chapter and I only finished it as this is posted. I would like to tell you I have not edited this chapter in attempt to post it as soon as possible so I'm sorry it is bad and I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE CLIFF HANGER YOU ARE ALLOWED TO KILL ME FOR THIS ONE TOO OKAY BYE>

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