Chapter 3

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"So you're new too hey?" Phil asked looking back down to the text book but quickly looking up to Dr Dungrun starting to talk about sciences of things no one could understand. Having to listen to words that you don't know the meaning of, along with an extremely strong Indian accent wasn't easy.

"Erm, yeah, I moved here with my family because my mum got a good job here" I whispered as Dr Dungrun wrote a essay on the board about why if we mess up any spelling or any information in our first assignment we will fail the grade. Phil nodded and started writing things down what the teacher was saying on a small brown notepad.

"Aren't you going to take notes? We haven't learnt exactly what everyone else has so we need to write down everything so we know what's happening" Phil whispered back pointing at my pencil case. I took out the notepad school asked us to bring along out of my pencil case and started writing keys and things that Dr Dungrun was saying to the rest of the class.

"Mr Lester, Mr Howell! What are you doing writing when I am speaking?!" Dr Dungrun yelled at us as I threw my pen to the floor trying to make it look like I wasn't writing but by this time the whole class was looking at us and I was speechless.

"Please sir, Dan and I were taking notes, because we are new we didn't do exact same studies to the other students and -" Phil tried to explain.

"Enough! If you write when I talk again, detention!" He said in a loud voice so the classes beside us, under us and above us could probably hear him.

Dr Dungrun turned back to the board and kept blabbing about things as Phil and I put our notepads back into our pencil cases so they were out of sight. But then a note was passed onto my desk from the girl to the right of me. On the up side of the folded paper wrote 'to the two new guys' I looked up at the girl next to me, picking up the note, she smiled at me and mouthed 'read it'.

On the paper it said-

Hey, I know you're new so you don't really know the rules of the teachers but with Dr Dungrun, I recommend not doing any thing that your not supposed to do in his classes, he is probably the second strictest teacher here. Onetime, my friend Carrie took out her phone to show me the time and he saw, he took her phone and threw it to the back of the classroom. It was smashed and when we told the other teachers, he lied and said Dawyne ( that fat kid at the back of the class ) took it and then flung it at the wall. I suggest not messing with him, or the teacher. Good luck!


I tuned the paper over and took out a pen again quickly scribbled down a reply and kept glancing up to make sure Dr Dungrun wasn't looking. I fished my reply writing -

Are you Jack and Finn Harries's Friend Louise?

I wrote and tried to pass it back to her but she pushed my hand away and nodded at me smiling, she pointed at Phil who had his full attention to what the teacher was saying so a bumped his shoulder and passed him the note with what Louise wrote on it side up. He read it and gave the thumbs up telling us that he got the gist.

"Your fist assignment is you will all be in a group of four and you will read, finish, check and repeat the sheets I have had Damian hand out. Fail to do this is detention. It is due next Tuesday. Good luck to you's" Dr Dungrun said just as the bell rang. Everyone picked up their books and made their way to the lockers. I went to my locker, number 631, and unlocked the lock. I rested my books on the second shelf and took out my phone and earbuds. I put them in my right trousers pocket and set off having a small conversation with Louise and with the map folded in my hands.

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