Chapter 131

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After spending most of the year camped out in the Room of Requirement, the Dumbledore's Army kids got so used to sleeping in the same room that after the Battle of Hogwarts, they all wind up staying in Neville's Gran's sitting room together for at least the whole summer.

Cue to Hannah Abbott finding Gran brewing tea at 3 am, and thanking her for raising such an amazing man, but then Gran breaks down, because she feels like Neville is who he is in spite of how she raised him, and then Hannah and Gran become BFFs and Neville wakes up to find them gushing over pictures of him as a baby.

Gran teaching Parvati to crochet and knit.

Gran making them all tea when they have nightmares.

Everyone calls her Mrs. Longbottom until Seamus starts calling her "Gran," and then it becomes a thing.

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