Chapter 9

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  The first thing I did, once I walked inside was kicked my socks and shoes off. I took my jeans off, and sat down on the couch. It was so relaxing to not have to worry about being in your underwear, believe me. I grabbed the blanket from earlier, and snuggled up into a ball, and drifted to sleep.
    I woke up, feeling dazed and groggy. The sun was just starting to come out, so it was seriously early. I walked to the bathroom, flipped the switch on, and gawked at myself for a good 5 minutes, before noticing the blood running out of my mouth, and making a trail onto my pink shirt. I had a cut that started on my jawline, and extended up all the way to my ear. My face was a canvas for bruises, and cuts. I walked into the living room, called Evan and listened to the phone ring.
  "Hello?" A raspy voice spoke.
  "Evan, come over. Now." I said all of that between sobs, and basically screamed into the phone. He hung up, and I sat down into the recliner, and starred at the white wall. How the fuck did this happen? All I remember is falling asleep, safe and sound. No cuts or bruises, and a face that wasn't swollen.
  The door flew open, and Evan ran towards me. I don't know how he opened it, the door was locked.
  He stroked my face and froze. 
  "Where's you necklace that I gave you, Collin?" As soon as he spoke those words, my hands flew up to my neck, and I couldn't find the necklace. I stood up and shook the blanket out, and basically turned the whole living room upside down. I turned around and looked at him, he had a face of agony, and worry.
  "I had it on last night, I know that for a fact. What the hell is going on?"
  Evan pursed his lips, and began rummaging through my house.
  "We need to leave, now. They know what's going on." I looked at Evan like he was crazy, and shook my head.
  "Leave? They? What the fuck is going on!?" I screamed at Evan.
  "Go upstairs, pack a bag, i'll explain later." He grabbed my arm and dragged my upstairs, and he already knew where everything was, as if he was reading my mind. He opened my closet, and grabbed my suitcase, and threw it on to the bed. I grabbed about 3 of everything, and threw it into the suitcase,  and desperately tried to zip it. Evan was getting pissed off, so he did it himself. I walked to my bathroom again, brushed my teeth and hair. I thought to grab my makeup bag, and any other essentials.
   Evan walked in the bathroom, with my suitcase in one hand, and grabbed my carry-on. I followed him outside to his car, and hopped in. Somehow he managed to fit all of that in his tiny sport car, without a problem.
    He drove like a bad of hell, and his tires screeched as he backed out.
   I just kept my head down, and stared at my hands in my lap.
"Evan, where are we going?" I watched him grip the wheel and sigh.
"My house, where I can keep you safe." I stared out the window and watched all the houses fly by me in a blur.
We left town, and drove for about two hours.He eventually pulled up to a house, with a perfectly yard,perfect everything. Not one thing was misplaced. I looked at Evan and grinned.
"You would think, that out of all people, you wouldn't be the one to have a perfect house and perfect life." He scratched his face, and smirked.
"My life's not perfect, baby." I just nodded my head and followed Evan as he got out. He gabbed my suitcase and I grabbed my carry-on bag and follows him into his house.
He unlocked the door to his house, and the warmth battled my cold harsh face. My nose was filled with a sweet cookie smell, mixed with a hint of cologne. Everything, and I mean everything in his house was perfect. As if nobody's ever lived here. I looked over at Evan and he was setting my stuff down by the couch. He awkwardly looked around and smiled.
"Make yourself at home, Collin." I smiled and sat down on the couch and was accompanied by him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek I flinched when he did it, my face was heavily bruised. Evan frowned when it happened and leaned back into the couch. I wonder what he's thinking right now, he isn't an open book. He always has only facial expression, like a rock. The only time it changes is when he smirks, but that never has surprised me.
My stomach started to growl and I looked down at my hands, I was still half-way asleep, so I spoke without thinking.
"Evan, I'm hungry. Can you make me something?" He looked surprised and pursed his lips.
"I haven't been in here in awhile, I've been out of town visiting a few people. I'll run to town and get you something. But I'd prefer for you to stay here."
I was happy by the idea of him getting me something to eat, but I wasn't too crazy about him wanting me to stay home.
"And why's that?" I felt an attitude creep up my throat, and escape. Evans face smoothed out, and I could tell he was thinking of what to say.
"You're new to this town, everybody knows me, I don't want to be battered with a million questions." He said it so calmly, without hesitating. Lies. He just didn't want to take me because he cares more about what people think, as if they would think he hurt me or something along those very particular lines.
"Okay, surprise me with whatever you'd like to get." I said.
Evan jumped up, grabbed his keys, and smiled at me. He slowly leaned down and kissed me on the nose.
"I'll be right back, baby." I smiled and nodded my head. I watched him walk out of the door, and listened to him drive off.
Then I decided to explore, he did say to make myself at home.

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