Chapter 8

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He looked over at me again, and said "Don't move an inch." I just nodded my head and watched him get out, and walk in in front of the car, and open the door. He held his hand out, and I just stared at it.
"You told me to not move an inch." I could just feel him rolling his eyes and smirking.
"C'mon, just get out. You can move now." I placed my hand in his, and he basically pulled me out. Our hands were lightly touching until he grabbed me by the waist.
"Stay by my side. There's a lot of stupid people in the city. I don't want to have to kill someone." My eyes widened, I honestly didn't know if he was being serious, or just trying to scare me. He lead us into the restaurant, and asked for private seating. When we sat down, he looked at me very intently.
"I hope you like Italian food." I just nodded my head, and looked down at the menu. The only thing that seemed remotely appetizing was chicken parmesan.
The waiter came over to our table, and smiled big at us.
Evan glared at me, "What are you ordering?" I double checked my menu, and spoke again.
"Chicken parmesan, and a coke. What about you?" Evan looked up to the waiter and flashed a smile.
"Make that two." She jotted it down, and walked away. Why is it, that I even with I'm Evan, I think of him just as much.
"Collin. Do you know what that necklace does?" I looked down at the necklace, and then looked at him.
"No? It's a necklace." He pursed his lips and signed.
"It's a warning sign, to any people, who'd be near you. Well, my people. It protects you." I cocked my head, this guy is really fucking crazy.
"And tell me what your world is?" I stared at him, waiting for him to spit a made up answer out.
"My world consists of bad people, Collin. No one that you know, or no one you'd want to know. You don't understand. You will eventually, but now just isn't the right time." Evan spoke in a whisper, as if he was trying to keep someone from hearing him. I opened my mouth to say something, but then our food arrived, and it gave me a reason not to talk. I took a bite out if my food, and watched Evan pick at his. He sipped on his coke occasionally. He basically paid twenty dollars for his food, just to stare at it.
"How old are you, Evan?" He looked at me and his expression dropped.
"21 years of age." He said it so calmly, and with a straight face. I nodded my head. He tapped his fork on his plate, and stared into space, looking completely distraught.
We ate in silence, he didn't try talking to me or anything. He just tapped his fork and stared into space. I hurried up and finished my food. I had over half of a plate left, but I was full. So I told Evan I was ready, and a waiter came within minutes. I pulled a twenty dollar bill out of my pocket, and laid it down on the table. When I looked up, Evan was already putting 40 dollars in the check book. I picked up my money, and handed it to Evan. He gave me the dirtiest look, so I put the bill back into my pocket and stood up. He walked in front of me silently, and I was right on his trail. Once we met the cool air outside, I jogged to the car and he beat me there, and opened the door for me, and I slid in. He slammed the door, somewhat, and I figured that was my cue to shut the hell up and not say a word.
He slid in, and started the car. Within seconds we were off, and back onto the highway. I closed my eyes, desperately wishing I would fall asleep, but I was too distracted by Evan. I was also scared for my life, considering he's driving.
"Collin?" I looked over at him, and acknowledged him.
"Yes?" Evan sighed, and gripped the wheel.
"Collin, I'm sorry." His voice went from loud to quiet within three words.
"Sorry for what? You haven't done anything." I pursed my lips and stared at him. He's so confusing.
"I'm sorry for almost hurting you on Halloween. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm sorry for being harsh and stupid. It's uncalled for, you haven't done anything to deserve this." Evan had his hand under his jaw again, and he was sitting upright, he's tense about something.
"Evan, it's okay. I forgive you. Im glad you're here." I said a few assuring things, to hopefully ease his mind.
"No, it's really not. You don't understand yet, you're too fragile." I laughed and just nodded my head.
"Collin, how old are you?"
"I turned 18, in March." He smirked and nodded his head.
"Are you into older guys or something?" He laughed as he said it, and turned the blinkers on, to turn onto my road.
"I mean, you're not that old. Just 3 years older... when's your birthday?" I asked.
"August twenty first." He smiled and looked at me.
"So, happy three late month birthday, Evan. You can legally buy alcohol." I smirked, he could buy alcohol, which means he's probably a partier, which means he won't stick around long.
We pulled into my driveway, and I reached for the door handle, trying my best to be as slow as possible, without being too slow. I looked over at Evan, and he was taking his seat belt off and reaching for my hand. I turned around locked eyes with him.
"I really don't want to go inside, Evan. Not when you're mad at me. Even sighed and gripped my hand.
"I'm not mad at you. Just mad at myself." He grabbed my face, and kissed me on the forehead. It sent chills down my spine, and all I wanted to do was hug him for hours.
"I'll walk you up to your house."
He walked around the car, and opened the door again. He grabbed my hand, and pulled me out, but in a careful manner. I felt arms snake around my waist, and pull me close. We stopped at my door, and I nuzzled my face into his chest. He smelt so amazing, like a clean crisp smell with a hint of cologne. I pulled away, and opened the door to my house. Evan grabbed my hand, and reached for my phone.
"Let me leave my number with you, and you call me if you need anything. I'll be a few minutes away baby."He kissed my check this time, and I smiled and walked into my house, and shut the door behind me.

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