Chapter 3

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Everyone spun around, only to lock eyes with someone who look distressed and out of it. The black rings under his eyes didn't help much, and neither did his dark hair.
Derek looked at everyone and said, "Sure, why not? What's your name kid?" The boy had a blank expression as he spoke. "My name is Evan."
Derek looked hesitant, but decided to speak up. "Well, Evan feel free to come." He nodded his head, and we all begun to walk towards the house. Evan was a few feet behind in the beginning, and now he was right on my tail. He could've grabbed my hand, if he wanted to.
I had to resist turning around and looking at Evan. I began to speed up, but he was right on my tail. He was really beginning to make me nervous, the way he acted. He wanted to be near me, and I honestly don't know why. No one was speaking, all that was heard was the breathing among the group as we walked.
We finally arrived to the abandoned house. The roof was caved in, and there wasn't any windows. It was pretty creepy, and I just got this weird vibe from this entire thing. I looked at Victoria, and she was smiling and squirming as Derek was kissing on her neck. My eyes widened in amazement. I began to think that Derek showed some interest in me...I guess not.
The black haired boy, whose name was Cashion, spoke up.
"Guys, we're suppose to be playing Ouija, not let's give each other hickies!" I watched Derek immediately back off, and he locked eyes with me for a good five seconds. Then his attention was brought to something behind me. I whipped around, and I was face-to-face with Evan.
His hands were in the air, he was trying hard not to touch me, so I just backed up and said "Let's hurry up and go inside. I'm tired of standing."
Cashion was the first one to take off walking, so we formed a line and walked in silence. Yet again, Evan was on my tail.
The stairs creeked as I walked up them, and the door slammed shut on my face before I walked in. I took notice that the wind was still. I used all my force to open the damned door, and finally it budged. Victoria, Cashion, and Derek we're already lighting candles.
"Guys. Were you holding the door shut a few seconds ago?" They all shook there heads no. So, I left the door open, to see if it'd slam shut again.
It didn't, but as soon as Evan crossed into the house, the hairs on my neck stood up,shivers were sent down my spine, and the door slammed shut.
I walked over to the rest of the group, and saw the Ouija board on the floor. I sat infront of it, and crossed my legs, and said "Lets start.".

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